

Think of this as a game of word association. I say sky; you say blue. You notice the word and consider the first thing that pops into your mind.

  • A 65 year old white male
  • A deaf person
  • A Muslim
  • An African-American male
  • A person in a wheelchair
  • A gay man
  • A fundamental Christian
  • A musician
  • A person in traditional India clothing
  • A 27 year old married woman
  • A homeless person
  • A female construction worker

Here we are going to play the game using this list of people with different characteristics. As you read down the list, take only five seconds for each person, and then think about what pops into your mind. Don't worry if nothing comes to mind as you go down the list. If you cannot think of anything, just move to the next description. REMEMBER—no one else is going to see or hear your thoughts but you, so resist the urge to edit yourself.