School of Nursing - Student Handbook 2025 - 2026

Academic Expectations of Students


Each student MUST meet the objectives of each area of study and is required to:

  • Keep apprised of and adhere to the rules and regulations of TTUHSC Student Handbook at, the School of Nursing Catalog at, and policies contained in the most current version of the School of Nursing Student Handbook.
  • Demonstrate a systematic, safe, accurate, timely, and efficient approach to accomplish each objective and use all materials efficiently.
  • Devote adequate time and preparation to class and clinical activities to meet the stated objectives.
  • Demonstrate academic integrity in each element of the student’s performance.
  • Apply ethical behavior appropriate to the standards of a developing professional at all times and particularly in relation to maintaining the confidentiality of information regarding patients and clients.
  • Maintain personal health to accomplish the essential functions as defined in the School of Nursing Catalog.
  • Be aware of professional issues and have the ability to define a personal position in relation to various issues.
  • Participate in evaluating the area of study and the School of Nursing.
  • Maintain all practice standards, if licensed, as written by the Texas Board of Nursing Nurse Practice Act.


All students entering the School of Nursing must subscribe to the standards and codes of the profession. Patients and society as a whole expect School of Nursing students, as nursing professionals to adhere to the:

Students who fail to uphold and/or comply with the above codes and standards for safe and professional nursing practice will be considered in violation of the law and/or professional nursing standards. Students holding a license to practice nursing will be subject to the reporting laws on unprofessional conduct.

Academic integrity stands at the heart of the School of Nursing. The SON is bound by a fundamental trust that professors and students alike undertake and present their work honestly. Academic misconduct involves any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Falsifying academic records
  • Misrepresenting facts; and
  • Any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the student or the attempt to commit such an act.

Each student is responsible to become familiar with the various regulations of the University. Each student, in accepting admission, indicates a willingness to subscribe to and be governed by the rules and regulations of University and likewise be responsible for his/her own integrity. For additional information, please refer to the TTUHSC Student Handbook.


The TTUHSC School of Nursing defines civility as demonstrated behavior that 1) shows respect towards another, 2) causes another to feel valued, and 3) contributes to mutual respect, effective communication, and team collaboration. Such demonstration of actions contributes towards a positive environment for learning and working. We acknowledge differences amongst us in terms of values, interests, and experiences. While on any of our campus locations, facilities, attending any institution or school even, or any school electronic/cyber space (online course, email, telephone, etc.), faculty, staff, students, and visitors can all have the expectation of civility from one another.

The School of Nursing view the following ideals as fundamental to civil behavior:

  • Adherence to the values of the nursing profession in dealing with students, colleagues and associates.
  • Collegiality.
  • Courteous and honest communication in both face-to-face and electronic environments.
  • Fair and just treatment of all individuals.
  • Fostering a diverse school community.
  • Freedom from harassment and bullying.
  • Refraining from vulgar and offensive language.
  • Respectful of diverse cultures and points of view.

Members of the TTUHSC School of Nursing community affect each other’s wellbeing and each have a shared interest in creating and sustaining an environment where all members and their points of view are valued and respected.

All students, upon accepting admission to the TTUHSC School of Nursing, agree to these expectations. The Student Civility Contract (Attachment A) will be included with all new student orientation information, and all incoming students will acknowledge receipt and understanding of this contract. Any breach of this contract may result in disciplinary consequences that may include the student being subject to immediate dismissal from the program/School of Nursing.


School of Nursing students and faculty have a responsibility for creating and maintaining an appropriate learning environment in the face-to-face and virtual classroom. The TTUHSC Student Handbook Part I, A, states, “An environment in which the privileges of citizenship are protected and the obligations of citizenship are understood fosters freedom of discussion, inquiry, and expression. Accordingly, the University community has developed standards of behavior pertaining to students and to student organizations (p. 14).”


Students spend a considerable amount of time utilizing resources online and must own a computer with broadband (high speed) internet to succeed in the chosen area of study. Daily computer access is expected of all students.

  • The Traditional BSN Undergraduate Program requires admitted students to own a laptop and a mobile device (iOS or Android). Students are required to bring their laptop to participate in classroom learning activities and testing. A mobile device capable of using specific nursing apps is required.
  • The Accelerated BSN Undergraduate Program requires admitted students to own a computer (preferably a laptop) and a mobile device (iOS or Android). A compatible mobile device capable of using specific nursing apps is required. Students are also required to have a webcam and microphone.
  • The RN to BSN Program requires admitted students to have webcam capabilities for making videos of presentations, clinical activities, and for online proctoring of exams and quizzes.
  • The MSN and DNP Programs highly recommend students bring a laptop to participate in classroom learning activities.

Tablet devices can be used to access some course content but will not substitute the need for a computer. Go to for specific minimum computer system requirements.


The TTUHSC Student Handbook prohibits actions against members of the University community, including, but not limited to, behavior disruptive to the normal operation of the University, including students, faculty, and staff.

“Disruptive conduct,” defined by the School of Nursing, means conduct that substantially or repeatedly interferes with the instructor’s ability to teach or student learning. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Excessive or disruptive tardiness
  • Continuous distractive behavior during class presentations
  • Utilization of electronic technology, such as laptop computers, tablets, cell phones, etc., during lectures or other learning environments for activities unrelated to class or instruction being provided.
  • Distractive or inappropriate behavior in online discussion boards, emails, chat rooms, web and/or video conferences, or other online educational technology.


If a student continues disruptive conduct after the course instructor notifies the student of the unacceptable conduct, the course instructor may request the student to leave class immediately. If the student believes the action is not merited, the student may follow the process for non-grade grievance as outlined in this publication (see Academic Grade Challenges/Appeals and Compliant or Grievance Resolution (Non-grade Related)). If the student leaves the class, the student shall not receive credit for in-class activities that day. If such action results in a final grade the student believes is incorrect, the student should follow the process outlined in the policy for Academic Grade Challenges/Appeals.

Students should consider the use of electronic technology, such as laptop computers or tablets, during class as a privilege, not a right. The course instructor may withdraw such privileges on a case-by-case basis.

In addition, alleged disruptive behavior may be referred to the applicable Associate Dean/Department Chair by faculty or other students in accordance with the TTUHSC Student Handbook. Sanctions for disruptive behavior include but are not limited to dismissal from the School of Nursing.


TTUHSC Institutional Policy 56.22

The TTUHSC Information Technology Department assigns all students an official TTUHSC email address provided with an initial password code prior to new student orientation. TTUHSC will use this email address for official communications between the institution and students. Students must use the provided TTUHSC email address while enrolled in the School of Nursing. Emails will not be redirected or forwarded to another non-TTUHSC account. This email address will be the only email address used for official communications between the Institution and students, faculty, and staff. Because students are responsible for monitoring and responding to any required information sent to this email address, students should check the TTUHSC email daily in addition to other course resources.


eRaider is an account management system making it possible for students, faculty, and staff to obtain and access electronic resources at TTUHSC using a single username and password. An eRaider username and password are required to access many of these resources and to access the TTUHSC domain. New students, faculty, and staff receive an eRaider account upon admission to or employment by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center; access is dependent upon account types (i.e. faculty, staff, and students) and departmental requirements. User access should be reviewed upon changes in job description, job responsibilities, or removed upon termination of employment. These changes should be indicated by the department head or listed in the separation checkout for each individual. Questions regarding eRaider account information should be directed to the I.T. Solutions Center.


Students are responsible for purchasing and maintaining certain pieces of equipment (stethoscopes, face masks, face shields, splash resistant goggles, etc.). Faculty will specify equipment requirements and post the requirements in the course syllabi. Any TTUHSC School of Nursing equipment checked out to students must be returned in the same condition as received. A student must replace or pay TTUHSC for any damaged or misplaced equipment while in a student’s possession.


Student Identification Badge (TTUHSC Picture ID)

TTUHSC students are required to obtain and visibly wear the official TTUHSC identification badge at all times while on any TTUHSC campus or while participating in clinical. Unauthorized use of a badge may be considered grounds for disciplinary action. An identification badge may neither be altered, disfigured, nor display any items not part of the original badge. If lost or stolen, contact the appropriate Enrollment Management Coordinator.

  • The Texas Tech University ID office will charge a $20 fee for a replacement for a lost badge.
  • If a badge is stolen and a copy of a police report is presented, the fee will be waived.

Refer to TTUHSC OP 76.02 for more information.


School of Nursing Name Badge

The School of Nursing name badge provides identification of the student and any applicable credentials. If lost, a replacement must be purchased through the appropriate office.


Netiquette includes the rules of etiquette when communicating over the internet. Violations of the netiquette guidelines are considered disruptive conduct in the online classroom. Disruptive conduct is defined by the School of Nursing as conduct that substantially or repeatedly interferes with the instructor’s ability to teach or impedes student learning. Distractive or inappropriate behavior in online discussions, emails, chat rooms, web and or video conferences, or other online educational technology are examples of disruptive conduct in an online course. Electronic communication, the backbone of online courses, must be respectful and honest at all times. Any posting to the course deemed by the course facilitator to be disruptive or interfering with learning will be removed. Any students involved in disruptive behavior will receive a written warning from the course facilitator. Continued instances of disruptive behavior after the initial warning will result in referral to the program director for academic counseling. Consequences of disruptive conduct are outlined in this handbook.

Basic Rules to Help Guide Netiquette in Online Learning (including but not limited to):

  • Be patient. Don’t expect an immediate response when you send a message. Faculty will read and respond to email messages within the timeframe stated in the course syllabus. Students are also expected to read and respond to email messages within the same stated timeframe.
  • Do not use offensive language (i.e., sarcastic, slang, rude, abrasive verbiage). Respect the opinions of others and be sensitive to the diverse nature of people in the class. If you would not say it in a face-to-face classroom, do not include it in the online discussions either. Do not make personal or insulting remarks.
  • Do not use all capital letters (it is considered shouting). Also, do not use excessive punctuation, i.e. “!!!!” or “!?!?”
  • Use correct spelling and grammar. Read and proofread what you have written before you submit. Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.
  • Discussion postings should be concise, on topic, and within the scope of the course material. Avoid rambling, repetition, or opinionated arguments. Avoid ‘’I agree’’ and ‘’Me, too!’’ messages. Spending time reading messages without substance can be frustrating for all parties.
  • When providing feedback to peers or faculty, postings should provide professional, reflective, and constructive feedback.
  • Use descriptive subject lines for email messages and discussion postings.
  • Be respectful and open to opinions and ideas differing from your own.
  • Do not use the ideas or words of another individual as your own without citing the original source. Do not plagiarize.
  • Do not forward emails or discussion postings without permission from the original author.
  • If you want to send a personal message to the instructor or to another student, use the messages tab in the online learning platform rather than the discussions. Any personal/confidential issues should be directly communicated to the course instructor. Such items should not be posted on the public course discussion nor emailed to the entire class.


Student Feedback (SON OP 10.015)

The School of Nursing provides several opportunities for student feedback regarding the effectiveness of educational programs and services provided for students. Both formal and informal feedback is solicited. Satisfaction and feedback are solicited through student membership on School of Nursing Councils, focus groups, and completion of satisfaction assessment tools. Individuals or groups of students may provide unsolicited feedback to faculty and administrators at any time in person, via phone, and via TTUHSC email messages.

Completion of the following student satisfaction assessment tools are mandatory:

See SON OP 10.015 Mandatory Student Satisfaction Tool Completion Policy for more information.

Students have an additional opportunity to provide feedback six months after graduation by completing the Alumni Assessment. The School of Nursing emails the links to the Alumni assessments to the admission email address listed with the Registrar’s Office. Students should notify the Registrar of changes to email and permanent address information to ensure delivery.


Phones should be placed in silent mode or turned off while students are attending any learning activity at the School of Nursing. Phone conversations on cell phones or communication including but not limited to texting and/or tweeting must occur outside of the clinical and classroom areas.


Vision Statement on Professional Writing in Nursing

  • Writing is an essential component of the communication skills helping define professional nursing practice. Clear, precise, logical, appropriate expression of ideas, opinions, and values in nursing is required for the provision of quality care to clients, families, and communities. To become proficient in written communication, students need continual development of the necessary technical, analytical, and persuasive skills.
  • Course activities should integrate the continual development of communication skills throughout the curricula in the School of Nursing. High standards for communication (including written communication) lie at the heart of professional nursing practice and should be reflected in all curricular activities.
  • The discipline of nursing uses the American Psychological Association (APA) standards to guide clear and precise professional communication. APA format refers to the APA editorial style (grammar, quotations, etc.) as well as standards for content and organization of a paper and ways to express ideas clearly while reducing bias in language. Knowledge and use of the range of APA recommendations permit the attainment of desired written communication skills, in turn, enhancing the nursing profession and the health of populations served by nurses.

The official format style for the School of Nursing is the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). School of Nursing students are required to purchase and use the most current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The publication is available at most bookstores. Students may contact the TTUHSC Libraries for availability. Helpful APA guidelines are located at or on the School of Nursing Current Student resources page at under Writing Resources.

Resources to assist in the development of academic writing skills are also availalbe through the Smarthinking Writing Center, an online writing and tutoring lab available in the Learning Management System, and the TTUHSC Writing Center at


Student registration is not complete and enrollment is not official until tuition and fees are paid. If a student fails to make payment, the student’s registration will be canceled. The student is responsible for ensuring payment is received in the Bursar’s office by the established due dates announced each semester. Questions regarding tuition and fees (payments, returned checks, late fees, refunds, etc.) should be directed to the TTUHSC Student Business Service Office at (806) 743-7867. Refer to the TTUHSC Student Business Services website for more information at: