School of Nursing - Student Handbook 2025 - 2026

General Information


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) affords certain rights to students concerning their educational records. FERPA grants students the right to inspect and review their educational records (with exceptions), to request the records be amended, to have limited control over the disclosure of information contained in their records, and to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The TTUHSC Student Handbook shall serve as the annual notification that must be provided to students under FERPA, 34 C.R.F. 99.7, unless individual TTUHSC schools annually notify their students of FERPA rights otherwise.


TTUHSC complies with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and state and local requirements regarding students with disabilities. Under these laws, no otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall be denied access to or participation in services, programs, and activities of TTUHSC solely on the basis of the disability.

Students with grievances related to discrimination on the basis of a disability may contact the Director of Student Disability Services. Any student seeking academic accommodations on the basis of disability must register with Student Disability Services and must provide all required documentation of disability. Documentation should be in the form of an evaluation performed by a qualified professional (such as a licensed physician or audiologist) and should be provided to Student Disability Services. Documentation guidelines, along with a diagnostic referral list, can be found on the Student Disability Services website:


The School of Nursing Career Services provides programs and services designed to empower students and alumni to actively explore, pursue, and implement career and education decisions. Through collaborative partnerships with academic departments and employers, SON Career Services provides the most current and innovative career resources and information.

Examples of Services provided:

  • Job application preparation, including resume building and interview tips 
  • Career Fairs 
  • Resume coaching sessions 
  • Mock interviews 

For more information about SON Career Services, go to


Address(s) / Telephone Number(s) / Name

Students are required to:


The School of Nursing is dedicated to ensuring each student is current in issues as they relate to nursing practice and research. One such regulation includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Annually, each student is required to provide proof of education in HIPAA training. The training requirements vary by the curriculum; the student will receive information regarding HIPAA training and will be asked to sign a Confidentiality Agreement during New Student Orientation (both face-to-face and virtual). All proof of training will be placed in the student’s advising file located in the Office of Student Affairs. Those who cannot show proof will not be allowed to attend clinical. In addition, release of confidential information (including verbal communications, written communications, or electronic communications with or about patients or involving patient health information to anyone who does not need the information for treatment, payment, or health care operation) is a cause for dismissal from the School.


As in all professional health fields, if stress is not dealt with effectively, it can interfere with optimal academic performance. For a student experiencing excessive stress, the SON highly recommends self-referral for counseling. Counseling services are available to all students on all campuses and to distance education students. Contact information is available here.

The following counseling options are available for all School of Nursing students.


The TTUHSC School of Nursing promotes, supports, and embraces a culture and climate among our students, faculty, and staff as a foundational tenant to accomplishing the vision and mission of the School of Nursing. Therefore, the TTUHSC SON affirms and aligns with the TTUHSC mission, vision, and Values-Based culture to promote and foster a sustainable values-based learning environment. The core foundational value of including varying experiences, lifestyles, personal beliefs, and ideas of all those we serve - and serve alongside - positively impacts the health of our regional, national, and global societies. Through our values-based culture, TTUHSC is committed to cultivating an exceptional learning community with a positive culture that puts learners first. These five values, one team, kindhearted, integrity, visionary, and beyond service, drive everything we do and describe how we live out our vision and mission at TTUHSC.


The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs on any institutional property or at any of its activities is prohibited. Refer to the TTUHSC Student Handbook. Information on assistance programs may also be obtained from the TTUHSC Student Affairs office or the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (RNs & LVNs).


The decision to work while enrolled as a student in the School of Nursing rests with the individual student; the school assumes no responsibility for student employment. Students should check with their enrolled program to determine if employment is discouraged.

A student employed in a healthcare agency has the responsibility, personally and professionally, to accept and engage in only activities falling within the position description for which qualified. Students employed as nurse assistants or nurse technicians should not practice outside the scope of such position set forth under the Nursing Practice Act. Students currently licensed as registered nurses assume the responsibility for clinical practice under their own professional license issued by the applicable Board of Nursing.

All students should be thoroughly familiar with the Texas Administrative Code Title 22 Part 11, Texas Board of Nursing – Rules §224 (Delegation of Nursing Tasks by Registered Professional Nurses to Unlicensed Personnel for Clients with Acute Conditions or in Acute Care Environments) and §225 (RN Delegation to Unlicensed Personnel and Tasks Not Requiring Delegation in Independent Living Environments for Clients with Stable and Predictable Conditions). Texas Administrative Code Title 22: This information is accessible on the Texas Board of Nursing website at


Faculty members maintain a schedule of office hours each semester. Appointments should be made if posted office hours are inconvenient. Faculty may choose to have virtual office hours or to be available by scheduled appointment.


Financial Aid

Students must be admitted to a degree program and enrolled at least halftime to be eligible for financial aid. Students enrolled in a certificate program are not eligible for federal student aid, but may apply for a private student loan.

Contact TTUHSC Financial Aid Office at (806) 743-3025 or for questions regarding grants, scholarships, and loans.

Tuition and Fees

Students can find tuition and fee information via the webRaider portal under My Tech Tab - Manage My Finances - Student Business Services - Make a Payment - View eBill. Additional information can be found on the Student Business website at


Students are required by TTUHSC to pay a Medical Service Fee each semester. With this fee, access to healthcare is available at no charge for minimal or limited minor problems. Access to healthcare is through a TTUHSC clinic or a regional contracted provider (when available) for distance students. This fee is only waived for distance students.

Medical services for TTUHSC students are available at the Abilene, Amarillo, Dallas, Lubbock, and Permian Basin campuses. Visit or refer to the TTUHSC Student Handbook.


Students are required to adhere to TTUHSC OP 75.14. Non-Employee Incident/Injury Procedures and Reporting. The purpose of this TTUHSC Operating Policy and Procedure (TTUHSC OP) is to establish procedures for responding to and documenting incidents involving and/or injuries incurred by persons on TTUHSC property including, but not limited to, visitors, patients, volunteers, and students in non-clinical areas.


Health care professionals, who learn together, work better together. Interprofessional practice and education (IPE) is a powerful tool to establish links between the education system and the health care delivery system. As a leader in health care education, TTUHSC’s overarching goal for IPE is to prepare all health professional students for deliberately and collaboratively working together to reach a common goal of well-coordinated, high quality patient-centered care. Classroom instruction alone is not enough to prepare students for collaborative practice. There must be opportunities for multiple professions working together inherent in the process; the focus of IPE is students, faculty, and preceptors linking their own professional roles with students, faculty, and preceptors in other professions to promote teamwork for safe, quality, and cost-effective care.

The mission of the Office of Interprofessional Education at TTUHSC is to inspire and transform future healthcare professionals through collaborative learning of interprofessional methods in student education, faculty development, and preceptor training to advance the overall health and well-being of the West Texas community and beyond.

To ensure that our learners will be able to work effectively in teams, we need to educate them in learning environments where the model is interprofessional collaborative care. To this end, all incoming TTUHSC students, regardless of school affiliation, will be required to complete the IPE core curriculum prior to graduation. The IPE core curriculum is composed of two components including successful completion of a non-credit online course (>70% accuracy on all knowledge post-tests) and successful participation in at least one registered IPE learning activity. Beginning in AY 2021-2022, a TeamSTEPPS Essentials module was added to the non-credit online course. Failure to complete the IPE core curriculum will result in delayed graduation. Students should consult their academic/program advisor and/or school catalog for additional information.


The School of Nursing utilizes an electronic Learning Management System (LMS) to provide online course delivery. The LMS platform provides exams, assignments, messages, and various other communication tools. In addition, the LMS is used to provide orientation content, coordinate activities, and announcements. The LMS is a full-featured system that supports technology-enabled teaching, learning, communication, research, and collaboration.


The purpose of the TTU Student Legal Services is to provide currently enrolled students with confidential legal advice, counsel, and limited representation about personal legal matters. The office aids students in acquiring the skills to cope with common legal matters. Service is limited to advice and the preparation of simple documents. If courtroom representation is necessary, a referral service to members of the Lubbock County Bar Association is available.

Any student currently enrolled at TTUHSC who has paid the student services fee is eligible to receive these services at no additional charge. Appointments are recommended, but not required. Telephone consultations will be given in appropriate situations at (806) 742-3289. Contact the TTUHSC Student Affairs office at (806) 743-2300 for additional information or an appointment. Legal services for distance education students are not covered by the usual distance education fees.


The TTUHSC Libraries of the Health Sciences provide facilities and learning/information resources with physical sites in Lubbock, Amarillo, and Odessa. The TTUHSC Library system collections presently contains close to 385,000 electronic books, 51,000 e-journals, and 746 databases to meet the educational, research and clinical information needs of its students. The databases related to the School of Nursing include, but are not limited to: UpToDate, MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL Complete with FullText, Nursing Reference Center Plus, Access Medicine, SportDiscus, EXAM MASTER online (NCLEXRN), Scopus, Cochrane Databases, ClinicalKey, as well as general and academic TexShare databases. Bibliographic tools such as RefWorks and Endnote, full-text electronic journals, and a full array of electronic books are also accessible through the Libraries’ homepage:

The Preston Smith Library of the Health Sciences in Lubbock features 23 group study rooms, 1 tranquility room, and 18 computers and fourteen 3D printers in the Methodology Lab. An additional 7 public computers are located on the second along with seating for 102 individuals. The number of study spaces will continue to increase as the Lubbock Library renovates. The Harrington Library of the Health Sciences in Amarillo has 10 public use computers, seating for 95 individuals, 4 individual study rooms and one conference room. The Library of the Health Sciences in Odessa, has seating for 105 individuals, 3 study rooms and 1 computer classroom with 18 desktop stations and 1 laptop station. There are two 3D printers also available.

The libraries feature quiet and group study carrels and rooms, wi-fi display in most group study rooms, printers (paper), anatomy models, 3D printers, poster printers on 2 campuses, virtual reality equipment (Lubbock), computer labs, scanners, interlibrary loan, and reference/research/scoping review services. All libraries have wireless Internet access. PaperCut (paper printing) accounts are automatically created with an initial free $100.00 balance to all TTUHSC students. The online Ask A Librarian service ( allows students to email, text, or chat with a reference librarian for article and searching assistance. Step-by-step online guides to library services and resources are available at


Lockers are located on the first floor of the Academic Classroom Building for student use. If a student is interested in a locker, please contact Classroom Support at (806) 743-2288. (Office located on the second floor of the Academic Classroom Building). Locker assignments are made on a first-come first-served basis. All lockers must be cleaned out upon graduation. TTUHSC is not responsible for items left in lockers.


The TTUHSC Consent and Release to Use Image or Information policy (TTUHSC OP 52.15) applies to all TTUHSC Schools, educational and other activities, and areas owned, operated and/or provided by TTUHSC. It does NOT apply to uses of Images(s) or information for patient treatment or payment purposes (as defined under HIPAA). Definition of Image(s): Likeness or image(s) including, but not limited to photographs, videotaped images, audio recordings, and digital or other images of any kind or nature.

During new student orientation for each academic program, students are asked to sign a media authorization and release form (Attachment A). The signing of this form allows the School to use the student’s name and photographic image in School promotional materials in all forms of media including, but not limited to press, radio, television, internet websites, and printed mediums. The signing of the release is voluntary. A student may indicate on the release that they do not wish the School to use their name and/or photographic image in the School’s promotional materials. The media authorization and release form is kept in the student’s file for each program.


Accessing the School of Nursing web sites is a requirement for all School of Nursing programs. Access to TTUHSC email, class schedules, course syllabi, and other essential school and health related links is necessary to proceed through the School of Nursing.


All motor vehicles (including motorcycles, etc.) operated on or parked on the campus at any time must be registered at the Traffic and Parking Office, Compliance with the regulations set forth in Campus Traffic and Parking Regulations is required. A pamphlet describing these regulations is available from the Traffic and Parking Office.


TTUHSC has a responsibility to maintain order within the University community and to discipline any person or people violating the standards, rules, and/or policies. Enrollment requires students to share the responsibility. Students agree to abide by the standards, rules, and/or policies set forth in the TTUHSC Student Handbook, the TTUHSC Operating Policies and Procedures, School of Nursing Catalog, and School of Nursing Student Handbook, as well as any other official University publications.


Professional reference letters can be requested from individual faculty members. Such requests should be submitted in writing directly to the faculty member along with a resume/CV for faculty referral; at least two weeks’ notice should be given. Reference letters are not maintained by the School of Nursing. Reference letters requested after graduation should be requested in the same manner. Letter of Recommendation for Students form is located under


Chapter 62, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, requires all sex offenders register with local law enforcement authorities. As a result, all sex offenders who intend to be students or attend classes on or at any campus of the Texas Tech University System are required to register (or verify registration) with the campus police department in accordance with article 62.153 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure no later than seven (7) days of beginning school. In addition, all such sex offenders who intend to volunteer, work, or carry on a vocation (including full-time or part-time employees and employees of outside contractors) on any campus of Texas Tech University System for a consecutive period exceeding fourteen (14) days or for an aggregate period exceeding thirty (30) days in a calendar year are required to register with the campus police department within seven (7) days of beginning work on any campus of Texas Tech University System.

In addition, all such sex offenders are required to notify campus police no later than seven (7) days of terminating attendance or work on any campus of Texas Tech University System. Failure to register, as required, may subject such individuals to criminal penalties. Questions about the policy should be addressed to the Texas Tech University Police Department, 413 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX, 79409, (806) 742-3931 or email


In order for the TTUHSC School of Nursing to offer online courses and/or to supervise clinical experiences in a state other than Texas, TTUHSC must comply with other state requirements. The requirements differ from state to state and will require state authorization as well as Board of Nursing authorization. Notification prior to relocating to another state is mandatory for all graduate online students, regardless of track, in order to ensure TTUHSC has authority to provide online education and/or clinical experiences in other states.

Students are required to submit the mandatory notification form to the TTUHSC School of Nursing a minimum of 60 days prior to the proposed move. The mandatory notification form can be found at Grad Central and/or Upon submission, the form will be submitted to all necessary parties and the student will be contacted, either by phone, or email, as to whether the proposed state is an approved state for TTUHSC to deliver online education and/or to supervise clinical experienced.

TTUHSC School of Nursing cannot guarantee the student’s continuation in the program if the student moves to a state where TTUHSC has no authorization to provide educational services. Participating states may not require authorization for courses on military instillations (limited to active and reserve military personnel, dependents, and civilian employees of the military instillation). Board of Nursing approval is attained on a case-by-case basis contingent upon the proposed clinical placement. Graduate students should contact their Program Director as soon as they are aware of a pending move.


Research proposals requiring access to the School of Nursing student population must be made to the School of Nursing Faculty Council and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval prior to conducting research. Potential investigators must meet TTUHSC IRB mandated training requirements prior to submitting proposals to the IRB.


Safe Harbor (SHPR) in accordance to Texas Board of Nursing Nurse Practice Act{[NPR§303.005(b) and (e)]; [Texas Administrative Code Rule 217.19(a) (15) and Texas Administrative Code Rule 217.20 (a)(15)]}, may be initiated by a RN prior to accepting an assignment or engaging in requested conduct that the nurse believes would place patients at risk of harm, thus potentially causing the nurse to violate his/her duty to the patient(s). Invoking safe harbor in accordance with rule 217.20 protects the nurse from licensure action by the BON as well as from retaliatory action by the employer. In the event during a clinical placement, a nurse assigned to a student(s) invokes Safe Harbor, the student is to immediately notify the faculty.


Exercise caution when traveling to and from cars, buildings, clinical sites, etc. Follow all safety instructions given by faculty members, listed in course syllabi, and contained in the TTUHSC Safety Handbook as well as those in clinical facility safety materials. Visit for information regarding TTUHSC Safety Services and student safety training.


The semester hour is the unit of measure for credit purposes. Didactic contact hours are measured on a one-to-one basis; clinical contact hours on a one-to-three basis or as designated in the School of Nursing Catalog for the specific program. Approximately two hours in preparation for each hour of didactic class and an appropriate amount of time for preparation for clinical activities are expected.


Sexual Harassment is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972. SEXUAL HARASSMENT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

The School of Nursing considers sexual harassment in all forms to be a serious offense subject to a range of actions up to and including suspension or dismissal. Sexual harassment is a violation of TTUHSC OP 51.02 and OP 51.03. Refer to the TTUHSC Student Handbook and the Title IX website located at Sexual harassment education is required for all students and is completed at the time of orientation. Contact the appropriate departmental office for further educational information and opportunities.


The simulation centers located at the various campuses provide unique learning environments. These realistic environments support experiential learning activities promoting the development and maintenance of intra-professional and interprofessional competencies. Faculty and students from the School of Nursing, School of Medicine, School of Allied Health Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and Julia Jones Matthews School of Population and Public Health are engaged in simulation-based activities supported by these centers.


Guidelines for Students

TTUHSC School of Nursing recognizes social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc., and personal Web sites, Web logs, or blogs, can be effective tools for exchanging information. The School of Nursing does not prohibit students from joining and participating in online communities as individuals. However, any online behavior violating the TTUHSC Student Handbook brought to the attention of school officials will be treated as any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Contact the Executive Associate Dean for questions regarding the interpretation of the “Student Code of Conduct.” In addition please reference TTUHSC OP 67.03 Use of Social Media. The policy discusses professional expectations as well as best practices while a student at the School of Nursing.


Students are responsible for adhering to standard precautions as governed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Information on the CDC standard precautions is disseminated to the students during new student orientation. Students have the responsibility to maintain compliance with the recommendations during all clinical settings. Refer to the CDC Standard Precautions at

During orientation to the School of Nursing, time is allowed for the following:

Because the potential diseases in a patient’s blood and body fluids cannot be known, blood, body fluid, and substance precautions recommended by the CDC should be adhered to for all patients and for all specimens submitted to the laboratory. These precautions, called “standard precautions”, should be followed regardless of any lack of evidence of the patient’s infection status. Routinely use barrier protection to prevent skin and mucous membrane contamination with:

Environmental Control

Follow the clinical agency’s procedures for the routine care, cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces, beds, bed rails, bedside equipment, and other frequently touched surfaces.


Wear gloves (clean, non-sterile gloves are adequate) when touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items. Put on clean gloves just before touching mucous membranes and non-intact skin. Change gloves between tasks and procedures on the same patient after contact with material with a possibility of containing a high concentration of microorganisms. Remove gloves promptly after use, before touching non-contaminated items and environmental surfaces and before going to another patient. Wash hands immediately to avoid transfer of microorganisms to other patients or environments.


Wear a gown (a clean, non-sterile gown is adequate) to protect skin and prevent soiling of clothing during procedures and patient care activities (splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions or excretions or cause soiling of clothing) are possible. Select a gown appropriate for the activity and amount of fluid likely to be encountered. Remove a soiled gown as promptly as possible and wash hands to avoid transfer of microorganisms to other patients or environments.

Hand Hygiene


Handle, transport, and process used linen soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions in a manner preventing skin and mucous membrane exposures and contamination of clothing and avoid transfer of microorganisms to other patients and environments.

Mask, Eye Protection, and Face Shield

Wear a mask, eye protection, and face shield to protect mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth during procedures and patient care activities (splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions) are possible.

Occupational Health and Blood-borne Pathogens

Patient Care Equipment

Carefully handle used patient care equipment soiled with blood, body fluids, secretions, and excretions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposures, contamination of clothing and transfer of microorganisms to other patients and environments. Ensure reusable equipment is not used for the care of another patient until appropriately cleaned and reprocessed and single use items are properly discarded.

Patient Placement

Place a patient contaminating the environment or who does not (or cannot be expected to) assist in maintaining appropriate hygiene or environmental control in a private room. If a private room is not available, consult with infection control professionals regarding patient placement or other alternatives.


When TTUHSC “collects information about an individual by means of a form the individual completes and files with the governmental body in either a paper format or an electronic format”, the paper forms or the Internet site used in connection with the electronic form must state:

If TTUHSC collects information about a website user on its Internet sites, including the identity and computer network location, TTUHSC must post what types of information collected about the website user on the Internet sites. Finally, TTUHSC must establish a reasonable procedure to correct information about an individual.


For purposes of promoting the TTUHSC School of Nursing, student advisory councils exist to maintain open communication between students and administration/faculty/staff: the Undergraduate Department Advisory Council, the Non-Traditional Electronic Advisory Forums, the Graduate Department Chairs’ Advisory Council, the BSN to DNP Advisory Council, and the Post-Master's DNP Student Advisory Council. Through the Department Advisory Councils, student representatives advise the administration on ways to improve the educational process while enrolled in the School of Nursing. Student representatives volunteer or are selected by the applicable Associate Dean/Department Chair to serve on the Department Advisory Councils and are expected to represent their fellow students by bringing forth issues of importance to be addressed by the Council.


The mission of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing Student Affairs Office is to assist students, across all service regions, in successfully accomplishing their academic goals. The Student Affairs Office serves as the central “hub” for current and prospective students by providing timely and accurate information, quality customer service, personal guidance and advocacy. A student-centered philosophy confirms our commitment to student learning and development; creates focus and meaning in our work and is the driving force of the Student Affairs Office.

The Student Affairs Office takes an active role in building a supportive and respectful community across all campuses and the online classroom. Programs and services are designed, in collaboration with School of Nursing faculty members, to contribute to student development and support academic achievement. Examples include advising, co-curricular activities promoting education, social and cultural opportunities and community engagement. To ensure highly skilled Enrollment Mangagement Coordinators serve our nursing students, continuing education activities like Green Zone and Ally trainings are provided to them. In addition, Coordinators attend presentations focusing on student development and current topics in Student Affairs. These presentations are made available by experts in Higher Education. The Student Affairs Office is dedicated to the growth and development of all students in the School of Nursing. For more information on the School of Nursing Office of Student Affairs, please visit


Students are required to adhere to the TTUHSC Student Travel Policy in the TTUHSC Student Handbook, Part IX, Student Travel Policy. TTUHSC OP 77.08 regulates any travel undertaken by one or more students presently enrolled at TTUHSC to an activity or event located more than 25 miles from the campus of TTUHSC or traveling abroad.


TTUHSC School of Nursing is committed to academic integrity of fully online and hybrid-based courses. Exams and quizzes in fully online and/or hybrid-based courses may require online proctoring through Proctorio.

All students need to be advised that during your coursework, you may be required to take examinations remotely with the assistance of proctoring tools used to preserve academic integrity and fairness during remote exams. Such proctoring tools used during remote exams may include, but are not limited to, the utilization of video and/or audio capabilities to examine, scan, evaluate, and/or monitor you, your work station, associated areas, and surroundings (“Exam Conditions”). By continuing to remain enrolled in the School of Nursing and enrolled in your coursework, you consent to these Exam Conditions. If you do not consent or wish to withdraw your consent, please notify your faculty and contact the School of Nursing Office of Student Affairs and other arrangements may be made, such as onsite testing.


TTUHSC is committed to the health of our students, patients, faculty, staff, and the public in general. As an institution whose mission is to provide excellence in health care education and service, TTUHSC campuses, both indoors and outdoors are smoke-free, including electronic cigarettes. Violations will be treated seriously and violators will be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed by existing operating and Board of Regents policies. Refer to the TTUHSC OP 10.19 in the TTUHSC Student Handbook, Part I, B Tobacco Free Environment.


Copies of official transcripts may be obtained from TTUHSC Office of the Registrar. The transcript request form may be found on the Registrar’s webpage at For questions regarding obtaining transcripts, contact the Office of the Registrar at (806) 743-2300 or


Transfer requests from one campus to another are granted based on space availability. SON OP 30.865, Transfer Between Campuses is only applicable to students in the Traditional BSN Undergraduate Program who are in good standing.


Undergraduate Nursing Students

Withdrawal from all courses or non-registration/non-enrollment during any semester constitutes withdrawal from the School of Nursing unless a Leave of Absence form has been filed. (See Leave of Absence section of Handbook). A student MUST file a “Leave of Absence” (LOA) form if the intention of the student is to NOT officially withdraw from the School of Nursing. Lack of enrollment in a course without a LOA form constitutes withdrawal from the School of Nursing. If a LOA form is not filed, students are required to file the “Official TTUHSC Withdrawal” form, Withdrawal from the program does not affect the policy regarding incomplete (“I”) grades. Grades of “I” at the time of withdrawal will automatically convert to an “F” if not resolved in the originally stated time frame. Contact must be made with the applicable Undergraduate Coordinator and the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair for completion of required documentation.

Graduate Nursing Students

Withdrawal from all courses or non-registration/non-enrollment during a fall or spring semester constitutes withdrawal from the School of Nursing. A student not planning to register for any courses in the next fall, spring, or summer semester is expected to withdraw from the program or take a leave of absence (See Leave of Absence section of Handbook) Students withdrawing from a graduate program are required to go through the full application process to return to the School of Nursing. Withdrawal for students enrolled in the School of Nursing is processed through the TTUHSC Registrar’s Office.

Withdrawing from the program does not affect the policy regarding incomplete (“I”) grades. Grades of “I” at the time of withdrawal will automatically convert to an “F” if not resolved in the originally stated time frame, (one year). Contact must be made with the Graduate Coordinator and the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair and/or Program Director office for completion of required documentation.

  • Maintain a current address(s) (i.e. permanent, local, billing, etc.) and telephone number(s) in the TTUHSC WebRaider Portal at
  • Notify appropriate Enrollment Management Coordinator via email of changes made to WebRaider Portal.
  • Contact the TTUHSC Registrar’s office at (806) 743-2300 for name change form to be completed and submitted with required documentation.
  • Program of Assistance for Students (PAS) is a professional, confidential, no cost counseling service for students and family members living in their households. Five sessions (per household) per academic year are available from licensed counselors who can provide assistance for a variety of problems related to daily living, including: family and relationship problems, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, anxiety, excessive stress, and other problems. No information is released to anyone in the SON and use of the program does not become part of a student’s record. For additional information, visit
  • Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) - All students regardless of campus have access to TAO.
  • A 24-hour crisis/help line - Available to all SON students and members of their household through the Program of Assistance for Students at 1-800-327-0328.
  • Presentation and discussion of the CDC’s Recommended Standard Precautions; and
  • An in-depth review of the School of Nursing’s policies dealing with communicable diseases.
    • Students will not be allowed into the clinical area until they have signed the Consent for Adherence to the CDC’s Recommended Standard Precautions. This consent form will be placed in the student’s file in the SON Office of Student Affairs.
  • Secretions and excretions, except sweat, regardless of whether or not they contain visible blood
  • Body fluids of all patients and specimens
  • Non intact skin
  • Mucous membranes.
  • Wash hands after touching blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items, whether or not gloves are worn. Wash hands before touching a patient, even if gloves will be worn. Wash hands immediately after gloves are removed, between patient contacts, and when otherwise indicated to avoid transfer of microorganisms to other patients or environments. Washing hands between tasks and procedures on the same patient may be necessary to prevent cross contamination of different body sites.
  • Use plain (non-antimicrobial) soap for routine hand washing.
  • Use an antimicrobial agent or waterless antiseptic agent for specific circumstances (e.g., control of outbreaks or hyper endemic infections) as defined by the infection control program.
  • Take care to prevent injuries when using needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices; when handling sharp instruments after procedures; when cleaning used instruments; and when disposing of used needles. Never recap used needles or otherwise manipulate the needle with both hands and any other technique that involves directing the point of a needle toward any part of the body; rather, use either a one-handed scoop technique or a mechanical device designed for holding the needle sheath. Do not remove used needles from disposable syringes by hand and do not bend, break, or otherwise manipulate used needles by hand. Place used disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, and other sharp items in appropriate puncture-resistant containers located as close as practical to the area where the items were used. Place reusable syringes and needles in a puncture-resistant container for transport to the reprocessing area. Refer to SON OP 60.095.
  • Use mouthpieces, resuscitation bags, or other ventilation devices as an alternative to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation methods in areas where the need for resuscitation is predictable.
  • With few exceptions, the individual is entitled on request to be informed about the information the state governmental body collects about the individual;
  • The individual is entitled to receive and review the information;
  • The individual is entitled to have the state governmental body correct information about the individual that is incorrect.
  • After talking with the applicable advisor and making the decision to withdraw, the student accesses the School of Nursing withdrawal form from the School of Nursing website:
  • Student completes and signs the form and submits the withdrawal form to the applicable School of Nursing Student Affairs Office. Attention: Graduate Program Coordinator at 3601 4th Street, STOP 6264, Lubbock, TX 79430 or fax to (855) 282-5826 for MSN/Post-Graduate and (855) 285-4063 for DNP.
  • The staff in the applicable program office processes the form by having it signed by the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair and/or Program Director and submitting the form to the TTUHSC Registrar’s Office.
  • In the event the student withdraws during a current semester of enrollment, the grade of “W” or “WF” are recorded in keeping with the Grading Practices Policy based on the student’s standing on the last day of enrollment in each enrolled course.