School of Nursing - Student Handbook 2025 - 2026

School of Nursing Requirements


Students matriculating into the TTUHSC School of Nursing are expected to maintain good academic standing while enrolled in accordance with the area of study requirements for completion of the degree or certificate. Minimum academic requirements are detailed in the following sections for each area of study within the school: Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department, Non-Traditional Undergraduate Department (RN to BSN, Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN), and the Graduate Departments: MSN Leadership Program, MSN APRN Program, Post-Graduate Program and DNP Programs.

All progressions, probation, dismissal, suspension, and censure determinations are made based on information received from the TTUHSC Registrar’s Office, the School of Nursing Office of Student Affairs, or any other applicable School of Nursing committee or source.

In accordance with the School of Nursing Catalog, School of Nursing Student Handbook, and TTUHSC Student Handbook, the Programmatic Councils or Deans may choose or recommend one or more of the following potential actions, as appropriate:

  • No progression in the area of study of enrollment until the specified course(s) is/are repeated and an acceptable grade is achieved. (Undergraduate: “C”, Graduate: “B”)
  • Academic probation due to overall and/or semester grade point average below minimum required for area of study of enrollment. (Undergraduate: “C”, Graduate: “B”)
  • Academic probation due to earned grade in required nursing course less than minimum grade required for area of study of enrollment.
  • Administrative probation due to violation of professional conduct.
  • Removal from probation.
  • Censure by written letter. Censure is defined as the finding a student has committed an offense warranting discipline. It is a matter of record only.
  • Warning by written letter.
  • Suspension from the School of Nursing.
  • Dismissal from the School of Nursing.

The terms placed on the student’s transcript for the appropriate semester might include “academic dismissal”, “academic suspension”, “administrative probation”, “placed on probation”, “continued probation”, or “good standing”. Specific academic requirements are outlined below:

Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department
Traditional BSN Program

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for each semester and overall cumulative.
  • A minimum grade of “C” is required in all degree required courses (nursing and non-nursing).
  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in a nursing course are eligible to repeat the same course one time only pursuant to recommendation of course faculty.
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 2.0 in the semester of graduation are ineligible for graduation.

Academic Dismissal

  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in two nursing courses is cause for academic dismissal.
  • Students earning less than a 2.0 or cumulative GPA for two consecutive semesters.
  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in the same nursing course twice.
  • Any student academically dismissed from the TTUHSC School of Nursing Traditional BSN Program is ineligible for readmission.

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.

Non-Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department
RN to BSN Program

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Maintain a 2.0 GPA for each semester and overall cumulative.
  • A minimum grade of “C” in all courses is required.
  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in a nursing course are eligible to repeat that course one time only.
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 2.0 in the semester of graduation are ineligible for graduation.

Academic Dismissal

  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in two or more nursing courses is cause for academic dismissal even when the first "D" or "F" has been replaced by a passing grade upon retaking the course.
  • Students earning less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA in one semester.
  • Students earning a “D”, “F”, or “WF” in the same nursing course twice.

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or committing a violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.

Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) for each semester and overall cumulative.
  • A minimum grade of “C” is required in all degree required courses (nursing and non-nursing).
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 2.0 in the semester of graduation are ineligible for graduation.

Academic Dismissal

  • Any student who is unsuccessful (achieves a grade of “D”, or “F”, or “WF”) in any course will be dismissed from the School of Nursing.

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.

Graduate Department
MSN APRN Program and Leadership Programs

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements - MSN Programs

Grades are reviewed each semester and progression in the MSN Program is determined by the Graduate Progressions Committee.

  • Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA with grades at “B” or above in all graduate courses.
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in a graduate course are eligible to repeat the same course one time only pursuant to recommendation of course faculty.
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 3.0 in the semester of graduation/completion are ineligible for graduation.
  • Students with a cumulative or semester GPA below 3.0 are placed on academic probation.

Academic Dismissal from the TTUHSC School of Nursing MSN Program will result from the following circumstances:

  • Students earning a “C” or lower in two or more graduate courses in one semester
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in the same graduate course twice
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in a second graduate course even though one graduate course has been retaken and a satisfactory grade of “B” or better has been obtained
  • Cumulative semester or cumulative GPA less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.

Post-Graduate APRN, Education and Informatics Certificates of Completion

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements

  • Grades are reviewed each semester and progression is determined by the Graduate Progressions Committee.
  • Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA with grades of “B” or above in all graduate courses.
  • Students achieving “C” or lower in a graduate course are eligible to repeat that course one time only pursuant to recommendation of course faculty.
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 3.0 in the semester of graduation/completion are ineligible for graduation/completion. Students with a cumulative or semester GPA below 3.0 are placed on academic probation

Academic Dismissal from the TTUHSC School of Nursing Post-Graduate Program will result from the following circumstances:

  • Students earning a “C” or lower in two or more graduate courses in one semester.
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in the same graduate course twice.
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in a second graduate course even though one graduate course has been retaken and a satisfactory grade of “B” or better has been obtained.
  • Cumulative semester or cumulative GPA less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.

DNP Program (BSN to DNP, Post-Master's DNP, and Combined Post-Master's DNP with APRN Certificate)

Maintaining Minimum Academic Requirements

Grades are reviewed each semester and progression is determined by the Associate Dean/Department Chair and Graduate Progressions Committee.

  • DNP students must maintain a 3.0 GPA with grades of “B” or above in all doctoral courses.
  • Students receiving a “C” or lower in a doctoral course are eligible to repeat the same course one time only pursuant to recommendation of course faculty.
  • Students earning an overall cumulative GPA or a semester GPA less than a 3.0 in the semester of graduation are ineligible for graduation.
  • Students with a cumulative or semester GPA below 3.0 are placed on academic probation.

Academic Dismissal from the TTUHSC School of Nursing DNP Program will result from the following circumstances:

  • Students earning a “C” or lower in two or more DNP courses in one semester
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in the same DNP course twice
  • Students earning a “C” or lower in a second DNP course even though one DNP course has been retaken and a satisfactory grade of “B” or better has been obtained
  • Cumulative semester or cumulative GPA less than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters
    • Students in a Combined Post-Master's DNP with APRN Certificate are considered to be enrolled in a single program with one degree plan and are subject to the same minimum academic requirements and academic dismissal circumstances as noted for the DNP Program.

Failing to meet expected standards may result in academic dismissal at any time. This includes but is not limited to unsafe clinical practice or violation of the TTUHSC Student Handbook.


Attendance/Inability to Attend Class and Clinical Experiences

Students are responsible for participation and attendance in class and clinical experiences.

  • Instructors determine the effect of absences on grades at the outset of a given course (see course syllabus).
    • NOTE: Attendance requirements are mandatory.
  • Faculty must report in writing to the student when absences may jeopardize the student’s standing in the School of Nursing.
    • NOTE: Excessive absences can constitute cause for dropping a student from class and issuing a grade of “WF”. “WF” is calculated in the cumulative GPA.

Clinical Attendance, Participation and Responsibilities

  • Specific procedures for notifying course faculty and agencies about absences are given during each course’s orientation session.
  • Students participating in officially approved trips are responsible for notifying faculty of the departure and return schedules. The faculty so notified should not penalize students for such absences, although the students are responsible for the material/experiences missed.

Online Attendance and Assignment Deadlines

  • Students are responsible for knowing when online classes begin and to participate in learning experiences as assigned in the course syllabus and modules.
  • If an assignment deadline cannot be met, the student is responsible for notifying the faculty prior to the deadline and provide a plan for submitting the required work according to the syllabus guidelines and course requirements.
  • Faculty have the privilege to reduce the total earned points of a late assignment per syllabus guidelines.


School of Nursing students must be a current card holder in one or more of the following upon entry to the School of Nursing:

  • Current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification for the Healthcare Provider from the American Heart Association (AHA), or the American Red Cross
    • Mandatory for all Traditional BSN, Accelerated BSN, MSN, Post-graduate, and DNP Students
  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)

Failure to maintain proper certification results in:

  • Being withheld from clinical settings,
  • Delaying progress through the nursing curriculum, and/or
  • A hold being placed on records, and/or
  • Delaying graduation

Assisting students to meet the card holder requirements, the F. Marie Hall SimLife Simulation Center offers courses for:

  • First Aid
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) with Automated External Defibrillation (AED) training
  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

For information contact the F. Marie Hall SimLife Simulation Center at (806) 743-2723.

Undergraduate Programs (Traditional BSN, Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN)

Prior to enrollment in the Traditional BSN or Accelerated BSN Programs, a current Basic Life Support (BLS) for Health Care Providers card issued by the American Heart Association is required. Students MUST provide evidence of CURRENT Healthcare Provider status while enrolled for School of Nursing records.


Graduate Department
MSN Leadership Program

Graduate students in the MSN Leadership Program (MSN Nursing Administration, MSN Nursing Education, and MSN Nursing Informatics) are required to:

  • Hold American Heart Association or American Red Cross BLS certification for Healthcare Providers upon entering the program and provide evidence of current certification while enrolled in the program.

MSN APRN Program (Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwifery Tracks), Post-Graduate APRN Certificate (Nurse Practitioner Tracks)

Graduate students in the MSN APRN and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate tracks prior to admission must:

  • Hold American Heart Association or American Red Cross BLS certification for Healthcare Providers upon entering and provide evidence of current certification while enrolled.
  • Prior to enrollment in the first population focus course, students must:
    • For the Family and Adult-Gerontology Acute Care MSN tracks, hold ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) certification.
    • For the MSN Pediatric tracks, hold PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) certification.
    • For the Nurse Midwifery track, hold a record of successful completion of a NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) and basic electronic fetal monitoring.
  • All graduate students in the APRN Program (nurse practitioner and nurse midwifery tracks) must provide continued evidence of certification while enrolled. Failure to maintain evidence of current certification will result in suspension of clinical activities.
  • Nurse Midwifery students will be required to secure and present proof of their own purchased student malpractice insurance prior to commencing nurse midwifery-specific clinical courses. The average cost for a yearly rate is around $500 and students may select from a carrier of their choice.

DNP Program: BSN to DNP and Post-Master's DNP

BSN to DNP students in the FNP track and PMHNP track are required to:

  • Hold American Heart Association or American Red Cross BLS certification for Healthcare Providers upon entering and provide evidence of current certification while enrolled
  • FNP track students are also required to hold ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) prior to enrollment in the first population focus course and provide evidence of current certification while enrolled

Post-Master's DNP students in both the Executive Leadership track and the Advanced Nursing Practice track are required to:

  • Hold American Heart Association or American Red Cross BLS certification for Healthcare Providers upon entering the program and provide evidence of current certification while enrolled in the program
    • Students in a Combined Post-Master's DNP with APRN Certificate must meet both the Post-Master's DNP requirements and the APRN certificate requirements.


Students enrolled in collaborative programs with other institutions are expected to comply with the general expectations/requirements set by both institutions. The student is responsible for complying with the expectations/requirements from the other institution. Failure to comply with both institutions’ requirements could be cause for dismissal from the program(s).


Undergraduate (prelicensure) students must have a passing score on the comprehensive examination administered in NURS 4710, Professional Transitions of Nursing Care, for the Traditional BSN Undergraduate Program. If the student is not successful on the examination, the student is required to meet with the course facilitator(s) to determine next steps in progression. In the Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN Tracks, the comprehensive exams are included in the overall assessment of student performance in NURS 4325, Synthesis of Conceptual Nursing Knowledge, during the final semester of enrollment.


A Criminal Background Check (CBC) must be completed prior to enrollment at TTUHSC School of Nursing in compliance with TTUHSC OP 10.20 and SON OP 60.081. Each student is responsible for the cost of the CBC and any additional fees.

All applicants, once offered provisional admission, must complete a criminal background check prior to the first day of class. Those who do not complete a criminal background check are ineligible for progress in the nursing program. The TTUHSC SON utilizes the Texas Board of Nursing criminal background check process for all pre-licensure students. For RN to BSN, MSN and DNP students, the students will be required to use the institutionally approved vendor to process these background checks. Only those individuals with a BON Blue Card, a BON Declaratory Order with No Stipulations and approval from the Executive Associate Dean will be allowed to matriculate into the program.

In accordance with TTUHSC OP 10.20, students in the School of Nursing shall self-disclose relevant criminal history record information no later than five (5) business days following the charge of the crime to the Executive Associate Dean. Failure to self-disclose may result in dismissal or withdrawal of acceptance from the university.

Additional background checks are required after a break in enrollment in accordance with TTUHSC OP 10.20.

If an applicant believes the record is in error and gives written notification to the School of the intent to challenge the report, matriculation will be put on hold pending the outcome of the challenge. Should the applicant fail to notify the School of the intent to challenge or it is determined the record is accurate at the conclusion of a vendor challenge by an applicant; the admission offer will be withdrawn.


Requirements for meeting expectations of all degrees offered at TTUHSC School of Nursing are specified in the School of Nursing Catalog in effect at the time of admission to the program.


All students enrolled at the TTUHSC School of Nursing and who participate in clinical and/or research activities must complete a mandatory drug screening test. This requirement is in compliance with TTUHSC OP 77.15 and SON OP 60.115. Clinical rotations are an essential element in certain degree programs’ curricula. Students who cannot participate in clinical rotations due to a positive drug screening may be unable to fulfill the requirements of a degree program.

  1. The use of illicit drugs, alcohol, or other substances with the potential for impairing clinical judgment and performance by students is prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy will subject the student to disciplinary action up to and including academic dismissal from the School of Nursing.
  2. Drug screens will be conducted prior to placement in all clinical settings, as well as at random times and/or for cause during a student’s time with the School of Nursing. Health care facilities affiliated with the TTUHSC School of Nursing require students have a negative drug screen prior to beginning clinical experience in their facility, to ensure a climate of safety for their patients, families, and staff. Therefore, students passing a drug screen prior to engaging in clinical courses is a requirement of the clinical facility and the TTUHSC SON.
  3. Substances tested for include but are not limited to the drugs listed in SON OP 60.115. Testing for other substances may also be required by a health care facility at which the student is assigned for a clinical rotation.
  4. A student’s drug screen is not considered positive until a Medical Review Officer (MRO) has determined the results are not due to legally prescribed and appropriately taken prescription medications and the student has been offered the opportunity to have their original sample retested at the student’s expense.
  5. All mandatory requests for drug screening will be sent to the student from the SON Office of Student Affairs. Students have a period of three days from the date of receipt to complete the screening; unless otherwise noted from the Executive Associate Dean.
  6. A negative (“clear”) test is required for continuation in the program. Retesting may be required if a facility requires a more recent test result than is provided by TTUHSC SON policy.
  7. All students after a period of non-active enrollment within the School of Nursing may be required to undergo another drug screening.


A. Negative Test Result

If the drug test is negative, the student will be allowed to participate in clinical and other educational activities on campus.

B. Positive Test Result

A student who has a positive drug screen will be prohibited from attending clinical assignments and on campus activities as determined by the appropriate Program Director in consultation with the Executive Associate Dean. Subsequent to due process and failure to be placed in the clinical setting, the student may be administratively withdrawn from all clinical coursework and may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal from the TTUHSC School of Nursing.

C. Dilute Test Results

A dilute test result will require further testing. If a student received a second negative dilute test result, a third test will be required at the student’s expense. If a student received a third negative dilute result, the student will be treated as if the result is positive.

D. Refusal to Test

If a student fails to produce the requested sample by the date and time designated by the Office of Student Affairs, the student will be treated as if the test result was positive.

The student with a positive drug test will be suspended from enrollment in all clinical coursework for a period of time as determined by the Programmatic Associate Dean and the Executive Associate Dean; up to a period of one calendar year. In order to be reinstated to clinical coursework, the student must submit a letter requesting re-enrollment. Re-enrollment, if approved by the programmatic faculty, may include additional stipulations, such as:

  • Student being required to submit for a blood screen prior to re-admission.
  • Student being placed on probation during the remainder of time in the program.
  • Consent to random drug screens as ordered by the Executive Associate Dean at the expense of the student.
  • Mandatory counseling through the Program of Assistance for students enrolled at TTUHSC or other licensed counselor upon approval by the Executive Associate Dean.

Repeated failure of a drug screen at any point after re-admission following the initial positive drug screen may result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Students will be provided access to the TTUHSC School of Nursing Drug Screen Policy and Protocol via Student Handbook and will be informed of this during New Student Orientation (whether Face-to-Face or Virtual).

TTUHSC School of Nursing Drug Screen Protocol

Traditional BSN and Accelerated BSN Students

Initial Screening

Prior to the start of clinical placement, student must pass a mandatory drug screening analysis in order to begin the clinical course. The students will not be made aware in advance when they are being tested.

Random Screening

Random periodic drug screening will occur on campus/site as determined by the TTUHSC SON administration throughout the academic year for Traditional and Accelerated BSN students. Failure of drug screen and/or refusal for drug screening will subject the student to actions described under Consequences.

Graduate Students

Initial Screening

Prior to the start of clinical placement and in compliance with facility affiliation agreement, students must pass a mandatory drug screening analysis in order to begin the clinical course. Students will be notified of the requirement and the three day turn-around for the mandatory drug screening.

All Students

Screening for Reasonable Suspicion of Drug/Alcohol Use

Any nursing student demonstrating suspicious behavior consistent with the use of drugs or alcohol, during a semester in which he or she is participating in a clinical experience will be subjected to drug testing (Faculty/Staff Report of Reasonable Suspicion of Drug/Alcohol Use, Attachment B).

The faculty member observing such behavior will first contact the Program Director, documenting in writing the observed behavior. The decision to refer a student for drug testing will be made in collaboration with the Associate Academic Dean for Student Affairs. The decision to test will be made as expediently as possible; no later than 24 hours after reported suspicion. Screening based upon suspicion will occur no later than 48 hours after the reported observation. See Attachment B for a listing of suspicious behaviors (inclusive yet not limited to).

Student Confidentiality

Maintenance of confidentiality and protection of the rights of the student are critical factors in drug-testing. Every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of students under this policy, including those who test positive, undergo reasonable suspicions, testing, or enter treatment programs. Only persons with a need to know will be informed of the drug testing results. Under no circumstance will any TTUHSC personnel or anyone else associated with the drug testing program be permitted to discuss publicly any information acquired in their capacity.

Results Notification

The Executive Associate Dean will receive results (positive and negative). All results will be handled using strict confidentiality. The applicable Associate Dean/Department Chair and/or their designee will be notified in the case of a positive or dilute test.

Appeals Process

Students testing positive for a banned substance may contest the finding within 48 hours following receipt of notice. A written request for appeal must be submitted to the Executive Associate Dean within the 48 hour time frame. The Associate Dean or his/her designee will request the laboratory to perform confirmation testing on the student’s specimen. The second test findings will be final. If the second test results are negative, the drug test will be considered negative. If the second test findings are positive, the student will be responsible for any costs incurred with analysis.

Right to Change Policy

TTUHSC School of Nursing reserves the right to change, modify, amend or rescind this policy in whole, or in part, at any time.


Graduation Application

Students planning to graduate MUST complete the Graduation Application available on the TTUHSC WebRaider Portal under the TTUHSC MyTech tab.

Students should create a “Diploma” address in WebRaider to ensure the diploma will be mailed to the proper address. The TTUHSC Student Affairs office uses the diploma address to mail the diploma only if the diploma is not picked up or available at commencement or at the request of the student.

Students must be enrolled at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and registered in the School of Nursing for a minimum of one credit hour in the term of graduation.

Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

A student is expected to complete the degree requirements set forth in the School of Nursing Catalog in effect at the time the student enters the chosen degree or area of study. Only with the specific approval of the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair may a different Catalog be selected. Students, in all cases, are prohibited from completing the requirements set forth in a Catalog more than seven years old. The School of Nursing Catalog is published at least biennially and its provisions are applicable during the following academic year, September 1 through August 31. Other conditions of graduation and the curriculum program are contained in the School of Nursing Catalog posted on the nursing website at

Undergraduate Departments
Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department (BSN Program) and Non-Traditional Undergraduate Department (RN to BSN, Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN)

Undergraduate students are required to achieve at least a 2.0 overall cumulative GPA to graduate (See School of Nursing Catalog). Graduation guidelines, deadlines, and forms are posted on the TTUHSC Student Affairs webpage

Graduation with Honors

Full-time undergraduate students completing the academic work with a cumulative grade point average of:

  • 3.90 to 4.00 are graduated Summa Cum Laude
  • 3.70 to 3.89 are graduated Magna Cum Laude
  • 3.50 to 3.69 are graduated Cum Laude.

Appropriate designation of the honor is made on the diploma. Only students completing an undergraduate degree can receive an honor designation. Students enrolled in the RN to BSN Program whose degree plan reflects full-time status based on concurrent enrollment are eligible to graduate with honors.

Graduate Department
MSN Leadership Program, MSN APRN Program (Nurse Practitioner and Nurse Midwifery Tracks) and DNP Program

Graduate students are required to achieve at least a 3.0 overall cumulative GPA to graduate (See School of Nursing Catalog). Graduation guidelines, deadlines, and forms are posted on the TTUHSC Student Affairs webpage Requirements and deadlines must be met to be eligible to graduate. Failure to follow the deadlines listed in this website will delay graduation until the following semester.

Post-Graduate Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Midwifery, Nursing Education and Nursing Informatics Certificates of Completion and Graduation

Post-Graduate students are required to achieve at least a 3.0 overall accumulative GPA to complete the Post-Graduate certificate (see School of Nursing Catalog). Certificates are awarded at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters upon meeting certificate requirements (see School of Nursing Catalog). Students may take part in the spring, summer, or fall School of Nursing Commencement ceremony upon the semester of completion of certificate requirements.

Post-Graduate certificate guidelines, deadlines, and forms are posted on the TTUHSC Student Affairs web pages Requirements and deadlines must be met to be eligible to complete the Post-Graduate certificate. Failure to follow the deadlines listed in this website will delay in processing the Post-Graduate certificate and Board of Nursing forms.

School of Nursing Commencement Ceremonies

Graduation exercises are held at the end of the spring, summer, and fall semesters. Students awarded diplomas at the end of the spring semester are eligible to participate in the spring Commencement ceremony. Students awarded diplomas at the end of the summer semester are eligible to participate in the summer Commencement ceremony. Students awarded diplomas at the end of the fall semester are eligible to participate in the fall Commencement ceremony.


Diplomas for undergraduate and graduate programs are issued by the TTUHSC Office of the Registrar per semester as follows:

  • Spring graduates: Diploma is issued in May.
  • Summer graduates: Diploma is issued in August.
  • Fall graduates: Diploma is issued in January.



TTUHSC and the School of Nursing requires each student enrolled in an on-campus program or online program with clinical requirements maintain health insurance to cover major medical, emergency care, specialty care, and pharmacy services. Students should note many of the facilities where students receive clinical training require each student to be covered by health insurance. Hospital or clinic personnel may ask for proof of coverage at any time. Students may be denied access to clinical experience, at the discretion of the facility, if not covered by health insurance. In order to ensure coverage, students must provide proof of coverage each semester. Students providing sufficient proof of coverage receive a waiver from the University sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan. If the student cannot provide proof of health insurance coverage, the student must enroll in the University sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan (Academic Health Plans - AHP). A student without an approved waiver for the Student Health Insurance Plan are required to enroll and pay premium to AHP directly. For more information and instructions on how to submit a waiver and/or to purchase AHP, please contact the TTUHSC Office of Student Life at (806) 743-2302 or email You may also visit for further information.


All copies of immunization records, lab reports, and/or health records must be provided prior to the start of the program. Students will not be allowed to register in courses until all records are received and approved by the Office of Institutional Health. Failure to maintain documentation of the following immunization requirements in the appropriate departmental office can result in exclusion from clinical practice and a hold being placed on school records. The immunization information in the following table must be on file for a complete immunization record while enrolled in the School of Nursing.

Other specialty-related immunizations or testing may be recommended to a student or may be required by a clinical agency. All students are expected to personally maintain immunization requirements; this maintenance should be documented in the appropriate departmental office for every semester the student is enrolled at TTUHSC – NO notification will be sent.

Students should contact the Immunization Coordinator in the Office of Institutional Health/TTUHSC Infection Control for the most up-to-date information on obtaining immunizations by calling (806) 743-2264.

Keep personal immunization records in a safe place; immunization records are required for all healthcare workers employed in the healthcare industry. All copies of Personal Immunization Records provided to the School of Nursing become the property of the School of Nursing. Never supply the School of Nursing with original documents. There may be a fee charged to receive a copy of the immunization records from School of Nursing files. For additional information, refer to

When Required
Hepatitis B series (Hep B)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment to be completed within 6 months, or a titer showing immunity is required.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/titer (MMR)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment, with doses of vaccine or titers showing immunity are required. (Note: Women who need MMR must make an appointment with a health professional to verify pregnancy status before receiving MMR.)
Meningococcal (MCV)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment. Adults 22 years of age or younger within the last five years.
Tuberculosis (TB)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment and annually thereafter. If you have not had a TB test within the last 12 months, you must have a 2-step skin test with a minimum of 7 days between the 2 readings.
Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment. (Booster required every 10 years.)
Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussins (Tdap)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment. (Adult - one time dose)
Influenza (Flu)
Required during flu season annually (October - March).
Varicella (Chicken Pox)
At the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment – two (2) doses of vaccine or titer showing immunity are required. (TTUHSC does not accept history of the disease)


COVID-19 Vaccination

While the School of Nursing does not require COVID-19 vaccination, clinical partners may require that all students are fully COVID-19 vaccinated prior to clinical placement and proof of vaccination must be provided, in advance. The successful completion of the clinical component of the program is essential for graduation. As a result, students will not be able to complete program requirements for graduation without completing the clinical requirement.

TTUHSC does not require you to disclose whether or not you have received the COVID-19 vaccine. However, for those who do not receive the vaccine or obtain an appropriate COVID-19 vaccine waiver, if applicable, your ability to obtain required clinical hours necessary for program completion may be impacted. For those who wish to not disclose, it will be considered you have not received the vaccine for the purposes of adhering to clinical site requirements.


All students (licensed and non-licensed) enrolled in the School of Nursing are required to carry student liability insurance. The School of Nursing provides a blanket policy covering students in any student-related clinical activity. The policy does not cover students in work-related activities (students employed in clinical settings not associated with the School of Nursing curriculum).

  • A fee will be automatically added to the student’s tuition to pay for the policy.
  • The student liability insurance blanket policy is for liability purposes only and is NOT a general health insurance policy.
  • Students enrolled in the Nurse Midwifery and Post-Graduate certificate Nurse Midwifery tracks are required to carry additional individual (self-purchased) liability insurance.


MSN graduate students are required to have a current, unencumbered Texas RN License or Compact Multistate License. RN-BSN undergraduate students (except concurrent enrollment students) and DNP graduate students must have a current, unencumbered licensure as a registered nurse in the United States. Students must maintain a current, unencumbered license throughout enrollment in the School of Nursing. The appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair and Program Director must be notified immediately if the status of licensure changes for any reason. Students residing in neighboring states must also verify Texas RN licensure or Compact Multistate license if the state they reside in is a participating compact state. Students must provide current documentation of Compact Multistate License.


The Associate Dean/Department Chair for the Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department or the Non-Traditional Undergraduate Department will assist currently enrolled pre-licensure students with the applicable Board of Nursing application process. For the Traditional BSN Undergraduate Department (BSN Program), the Traditional BSN Undergraduate Associate Dean/Department Chair makes arrangements with faculty to meet with graduating students to discuss the procedures to register for the NCLEX-RN examination and to complete the licensure application forms. For Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN students, information is posted electronically. Failure to meet the Texas BON deadlines or deadlines from licensing boards in other states will delay the licensure process. For further information concerning eligibility for licensure, refer to Texas Statutes Regulating the Practice of Professional Nursing (see the NCLEX-RN Examination Eligibility section of this Student Handbook) or contact the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair.

Students applying for licensure in other states are responsible for contacting the applicable Board of Nursing for an application packet at the beginning of the semester of graduation. Once the packet is received, students should make an appointment with the appropriate Associate Dean/Department Chair to review and process the required documents.


National Council of State Boards of Nursing (CSBN) requires for admission to Pearson VUE test centers only the following acceptable forms of identification for domestic test centers:

  • Passport books and cards
  • Driver’s license
  • Provincial/Territorial or state identification card
  • Permanent residence card
  • Military identification card

The only acceptable forms of identification for international test centers are:

  • Passport books and cards

All forms of identification listed above must be valid (non-expired), government-issued identification containing the following information:

  • Name (in Roman characters)
  • Recent photograph
  • Signature


Clinical Setting and Simulation Center

Nursing students are expected to maintain a professional image at all times while in the clinical setting. The professional uniform of the School of Nursing is expected to be worn only for clinically related activities.

Traditional BSN Program Virtual Sim/Clinical Dress Code Guidelines

The expectation for you as student nurses and our goal as clinical faculty is creating an environment that maintains the nurse’s professional image while participating in Zoom virtual sim and clinical experiences. Students will be expected to be out of bed, at their desk/table, appropriately dressed for virtual sim/clinical, with your cameras on and ready to engage in the learning assignment for the day.

Attire for the virtual setting should follow these general guidelines:

  • Uniform: Preferred is the SON red scrub top with your name tag and badge. If this is not available, you can wear your polo from level 2, or a similar top that is clean, neat, and appropriate.
  • Scrub Jacket: You can wear a red or black scrub jacket.
  • Hair: Should be clean, neat, and long hair will be pulled back. Facial hair will be neatly trimmed.
  • Tattoos and piercings: Cover offensive or arm sleeve tattoos. No facial piercings should be worn. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum.
Traditional BSN Program Clinical Uniform

In-hospital Clinical Setting/Simulation Attire

Traditional BSN Undergraduate Program Hospital Clinical Setting Uniform Guidelines
Includes stethoscope, watch with a second hand, penlight, splash resistant goggles, Skyscape software/device, scissors, pen, and pad.
The uniform shall be the official Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing uniform (red scrub top and pants) with patch(es) permanently affixed to the left chest. The uniform should be clean, free of wrinkles, and without needed repair. The bottom of the pants should be of appropriate length and not be dragging on the floor. The uniform should not be overly tight in fit.
Footwear must be clean and in good repair, non-skid, and closed-toe. Impenetrable shoes are recommended. Open-toed shoes that expose the foot (e.g. Crocs) are not allowed.
Lab Coat
White, clean, and pressed with an embroidered logo affixed to left chest.
Scrub Jacket (optional)
Red or Black scrub jackets with an embroidered logo affixed to left chest may be worn during clinical. Fleece material is acceptable, however some clinical sites may not allow fleece.
Name Tag and Badge
Both magnetic and photo badges must be visibly worn on the upper 1/3 of the body in the chest region when in any clinical environment.
The student’s hair must be clean, neat, and managed in such a way as not to require the student to touch hair during clinical. A student with long hair must secure hair behind the head; hair must be off the shoulders. Long hair is defined as any hair length that obstructs peripheral vision when the student bends over at waist level, or that may dangle onto a patient or treatment surface. Hair color should not be extreme in nature.
Wear in moderation: No bright lipsticks, blush, or eye shadow.
Nails must be clean and well-groomed. Artificial nails, gel coats, or shellac are not acceptable. Nails need to be short and should not extend longer than ¼ inch from the fingers. Polish, if worn, must be clear.
Perfume/After Shave
Avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or aftershave. Clients may not be able to tolerate your favorite scent.
Offensive tattoos must be covered when in clinical settings. “Full sleeve” arm tattoos must not be visible. Clinical sites may have differing tattoo policies that must be followed.
Jewelry must be kept to a minimum. Facial jewelry and gauges are prohibited.

Facial Hair
Facial hair must be neatly trimmed. For all students required to wear a N95 mask, a fit test is mandatory. For the N95 fit test, a secure fit is necessary to ensure safety to our students. This requires students to be clean shaven PRIOR to fit testing.
Additional requirements based on clinical agency policy will be communicated by the Site Coordinators and/or Curriculum Leadership Group.

Accelerated BSN Program Clinical Uniform

In-hospital Clinical Setting/Simulation Attire

Accelerated BSN Program: Second Degree BSN and Veteran to BSN Hospital Clinical Setting Uniform Guidelines
Stethoscope, watch with ability to count seconds, penlight, hand held device for medication software, medical scissors, pen, notepad, and PPE as required by clinical agency (i.e. face masks, protective eye wear, face shield, etc.)
The uniform shall be the official Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing uniform (red scrub top and black scrub pants) with patch(es) permanently affixed to approved location(s) on the uniform. The uniform shall be clean, wrinkle-free, and without needed repair. Long sleeve undershirts are acceptable and must match the school uniform (solid red, black, or white).
Shoes must have non-slip soles, fit securely and be primarily white or black impenetrable material.
Lab Coat
The lab coat shall be the official Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing jacket (white) with patch(es) permanently affixed to approved location(s) on the uniform. The lab coat should be clean and wrinkle-free.
Scrub Jacket
Scrub jackets and long sleeve scrub tops are permissible and must be red or black to match the official uniform. Patch(es) must be permanently affixed to approved location(s) on the scrub jacket or top. Pullovers are not permissible.
Name Tag and Badge
These items must be worn with the uniform or the lab coat in all clinical settings.
The student’s hair must be a natural hue, clean, neat, and managed in such a way as to not require the student to touch hair during clinical. A student with long hair must secure hair behind the head; hair must be off the shoulders. Long hair is defined as any hair length that obstructs peripheral vision when the student bends over at waist level or that may dangle onto a patient or treatment surface. Professional nursing caps (i.e. scrub caps) and hair coverings may be worn indoors for religious purposes, medical reasons, and if part of the uniform for the clinical setting. These items should match the school uniform.
Facial Hair
Beards, mustaches, and sideburns should be clean, neatly trimmed, and not of extreme length or interfere with personal protective equipment (PPE).
Wear in moderation. No bright lipsticks, blush, or eye shadow.
Nails must be clean and well groomed. Artificial nails (i.e., overlays, wraps, gels, extenders/tips, dip, shellac, or appliques) are not acceptable. Nails need to be short (1/4 inch). Polish, if worn, must be unchipped and a natural color.
Perfume/After Shave
Avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or aftershave while in the clinical setting.
Students may have one stud earring in each ear lobe. All other piercing must be removed or covered for the clinical setting.
TattoosTattoos on the face or neck must be covered during clinical. All gang related tattoos should be covered with clothing, bandage, or make-up.
Additional requirements based on clinical agency policy will be communicated by Clinical Site Coordinators.
ABSN Patch affixed to left upper chest; VBSN Patch affixed to right upper sleeve.
Hospital Clinical Setting Uniform Guidelines apply in non-hospital settings and hospital preparation time except as stated in the following Non-Hospital Clinical Settings and Non-Direct Care Hospital Setting chart.

Non-Hospital Clinical Settings and Non-Direct Care Hospital Setting Clothing
Dress reflective of a professional image (Neat and clean street clothing. No denim material, blue jeans, shorts of any kind, miniskirts, bare chests, or midriffs are allowed.)
Lab Coats:
Worn with name tag and ID badge (Street clothes extend below lab coats.)
Dress shoes or boots that are neat and polished.

Exceptions to the dress code may be made in individual courses if stated in the course syllabus or stated by the individual faculty member. For safety purposes, clinical facilities' policies regarding uniforms may require additional conformance.

NOTE: Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students do not wear lab coats, unless this is a common practice within the agency for health care providers.


Classroom Attire

Students are representatives of the TTUHSC School of Nursing and the nursing profession. Therefore, classroom attire is expected to project an image of professionalism. Minimal expectations are outlined below.

  1. Shirts: Revealing clothing (e.g., spaghetti strap tops, halter tops, midriffs, work-out tops, muscle shirts, sheer or see-thru) is not permitted and proper undergarments shall be worn and not visible. Shoulders should remain covered at all times. T-shirts with inappropriate logos (advertisement of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and risqué pictures/slogans) are not permitted.
  2. Skirts/Dresses: Skirt and dress length shall be of an appropriate length (knee-length) and may not be tight fitting. Miniskirts are not permitted. Split skirts are permitted, provided they are not tight fitting and fall within the above guidelines.
  3. Shorts: Shorts of an appropriate length are permitted in the classroom on any campus.
  4. Pants/Slacks: Pants shall be properly fitting. Pants must be worn properly at the hips. Jeans with holes exposing the skin are not permitted. Sweat pants, pajama bottoms, leggings, or other garments that could be mistaken as casual sleep attire are not permitted. Athletic attire (including yoga pants) with appropriate length of shirt is acceptable (must reach the thigh). Undergarments should not be exposed in any way.
  5. Scrubs: Scrubs are appropriate for everyday use.
  6. Shoes: Shoes must be clean and in good condition. Sandals are acceptable.
  7. Hair: Hair should be clean and well groomed. Facial hair is to be well groomed.
  8. Nails: Nails must be clean and well groomed. Artificial nails, gel coats, or shellac are not acceptable. Nails need to be short. Polish, if worn, must be clear.
  9. Head Gear: Hats, caps, and other head gear are not permitted in the classroom. Only headgear worn for religious purposes is permissible. Bluetooth headsets for phones should not be worn in the classroom setting. Deviations from the classroom attire standards may be permitted for special occasions or designated “casual Friday” programs.

Students who deviate from these standards may receive a verbal warning and be requested to return home to change into appropriate classroom attire.


Certain courses in the curriculum have pre and/or corequisites, which must be met. The prerequisite/corequisite courses are designated in the School of Nursing Catalog.


Applications for all scholarships are available either on the TTUHSC School of Nursing Current Student Resources under Financial Information Heading or on the Scholarships & Scholarship Information page The Scholarships & Scholarship Information page also contains announcements of all available scholarships and deadlines for acceptance. Students are also provided with information regarding scholarships at both virtual and on-campus new student orientation. Students are encouraged to complete a new application when financial or other circumstances change.

Before applying for scholarships, students MUST have a completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file with the TTUHSC Financial Aid Office.

School of Nursing scholarships are competitive scholarships requiring students to compete with other students, including Texas residents, and the scholarships are awarded by the School of Nursing scholarship committee. Eligible scholarship applications are distributed to the Department Chairs for review with recommendations forwarded to the School of Nursing Scholarship Committee. Distance students may apply for scholarships listed for the Lubbock campus. Eligibility for the scholarship is based upon the criteria established by each donor and the TTUHSC School of Nursing.

According to the Texas Education Code, § 54.213: an institution of higher education may charge a nonresident student holding a competitive scholarship of at least $1,000 for the academic year or summer term for which the student is enrolled resident tuition and fees without regard to the length of time the student has resided in Texas. For more information, please contact the School of Nursing scholarship office at

Abilene and Amarillo Students

There are scholarship opportunities specific to these two campus locations. For more information, contact your Student Affairs representative.

Permian Basin Students

Only Permian Basin Students can apply for Permian Basin scholarships. For more information for this process, follow the link for Permian Basin Students at

Permian Basin Scholarship Reception

A yearly Scholarship Reception by the School of Nursing is held during the Spring Semester. Students in attendance at the Permian Basin Campus have the opportunity to receive a limited number of scholarships given during the reception.


The School of Nursing’s academic calendar is posted on the School of Nursing website at and the School of Nursing schedules of classes are posted at The TTUHSC School of Nursing reserves the right to modify schedule of classes at any time during the academic year.