Faculty Development Courses
The Texas IPE Consortium works diligently to develop evidence-based training courses dedicated to faculty development. The Texas IPE Consortium currently offers two faculty development training courses.

1. TeamSTEPPS Master Training Course

The TeamSTEPPS® (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) Master Training Course is an interactive train-the-trainer course that prepares participants to plan, teach, implement, and sustain TeamSTEPPS® fundamentals. Developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Department of Defense Patient Safety Program, TeamSTEPPS® has rapidly become a virtual industry standard for teamwork. This course produces Master Trainers, who will be trained to go back to their respective institutions and offer TeamSTEPPS® training and certification. Approximately 6 hrs of online pre-work must be completed prior to the live training.
The TeamSTEPPS® Master Training Course is a highly-interactive course and content is based on a framework of four teachable-learnable core teamwork skills: Communication, Leadership, Situation Monitoring, and Mutual Support.
Who Should Participate: There are no requirements in order to attend this course. While anyone with a desire to understand the relationship between team dynamics and patient safety is welcome, this is an intermediate level course and participants should have a basic working knowledge of TeamSTEPPS® tools and concepts.
TeamSTEPPS® Training Topics Include:
- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: Team Structure
- Module 3: Communication
- Module 4: Leading Teams
- Module 5: Situation Monitoring
- Module 6: Mutual Support
- Module 7: Pulling It All Together - Simulations
- Module 8: Change Management
- Module 9: Coaching
- Module 10: Measurement
- Module 11: Implementation Planning
2. IPE Facilitator Training Course
As universities strive to implement IPE into didactic, simulation, and experiential learning environments, it is becoming increasingly important to have outstanding IPE faculty facilitators who can help interprofessional learners gain the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for collaborative practice. The most successful and competitive institutions know how important it is to be committed to ongoing IPE facilitator training and development. The Texas IPE Consortium’s IPE Facilitator Training Course provides faculty with the tools and strategies they need to engage interprofessional teams of learners and maximize the effectiveness of their IPE training programs. This engaging, experiential course provides an overview of the role of the IPE faculty facilitator, plus opportunities for practice using a wide range of tools and techniques. Through 6 hours of online pre-work and a one-day live training, faculty will gain the knowledge and skills to be an effective IPE facilitator, as well as will be able to promote organizational changes and collaborative leadership, which will support the promotion of IPE within the institution.
Who Should Participate: It is the ideal course for faculty, instructors, and/or preceptors who want to improve their ability to engage teams of learners; introduce IPE concepts and skills; support learners in the development of knowledge, perceptions, and skills for collaborative care; and measure outcomes of IPE learning activities.
Training Topics Include:
- Establishing a Climate for Learning: Psychological Safety
- The Power of Learning in Teams
- Recognizing and Managing Implicit Bias
- Managing Logistics Creatively
- Facilitation Challenges Panel Discussion
- Assessing Learners and Program Evaluation
- Interprofessional Learning Through Applied Improv