school of health professions - student handbook 2022-2023

Texas Tech University Health Science Center Policies

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center reserves the right to interpret, change, modify, amend or rescind these policies in whole, or in part, at any time without prior notice or consent of employees or students.
TTUHSC Operating Policies & Procedures:

Access for Individuals with Disabilities- HSC OP 51.04

Alcohol and Illegal Drugs- HSC OP 10.03

Campus Carry- HSC OP 10.30

Cancellation of Students for Non-Payment of Tuition and Tees- HSC OP 77.09

Core & Transfer Compliance Policy- HSC OP 77.17

Confidential Information- HSC OP 52.09

Consent and Release to Use Image or Information- HSC OP 52.15

Consensual Relationships - Faculty and Students- HSC OP 60.06

Criminal Background Check for Students, Residents, and Trainees- HSC OP 10.20

Establishing Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities- HSC OP 77.14

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy and Affirmative Action Plan- HSC OP 51.01

F-1 Tracking
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security requires universities to know the whereabouts of students with an F-1 visa (student visa). Absences may include long weekends, business or personal travel, or any other absence.
Foreign Travel- HSC OP 79.04

It is the policy of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center to affirm the right of its students to a prompt and fair resolution of a complaint or grievance involving allegations of inappropriate behavior by other TTUHSC students or by TTUHSC personnel toward students.
Students should process their complaints or appeals through the appropriate channels. Procedures are delineated in the policies identified in the link above. Students are encouraged to bring their concerns to the Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs. The deans of the schools have final authority in resolving disputes related to academic issues, such as grading and promotion, and in non-academic issues involving the school’s faculty and staff.
Every effort should be made to resolve complaints against faculty and other school personnel at the school level. If the complaint is about personnel or services at the institutional level, the student is advised to contact the TTUHSC Office of Student Affairs in accordance with the following institutional-level student complaint procedure
House Bill 1508- HB 1508

Identification/Access Badges- HSC OP 76.02
TTUHSC students are required to obtain and visibly wear the official TTUHSC identification badge at all times while on any TTUHSC campus. Unauthorized use of a badge may be considered grounds for disciplinary action. An identification badge may neither be altered, disfigured nor display any items not part of the original badge. If lost, a replacement must be obtained immediately through the SHP Student Affairs office.

Military Service- HSC OP 77.16

Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure- HSC OP 51.02

Registration of Sex Offenders
Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure now requires that all sex offenders register with local law enforcement authorities. Those who intend to be students or attend classes on or at any campus of the Texas Tech University System are required to register with the campus police department in accordance with article 62.153 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure within seven (7) days of beginning school. In addition, all such sex offenders who intend to volunteer, work, or carry on a vocation (including full-time or part-time employees and employees of outside contractors) on any campus of Texas Tech University System for a consecutive period exceeding fourteen (14) days or an aggregative period exceeding thirty (30) days in a calendar year are required to register with the campus police department within seven (7) days of beginning work on any campus of the Texas Tech University System. In addition, all such sex offenders are required to notify campus police within seven (7) days of terminating attendance or work on any campus of the Tech University System. All such sex offenders who are currently students, employees, volunteers, or contractor employees must register with campus police. Failure to register, as required, may subject such individuals to criminal penalties. Questions about this new requirement should be addressed to the TTU Police Department, 413 Flint Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79415, (806) 742-3931.

Religious Holy Day Observation and Need for Student Absence- HSC OP 77.12

Sexual Misconduct- HSC OP 51.03

Smoke, Tobacco, and E-cigarette Free Environment- HSC OP 10.19

Social Media/Personal Websites and Web Logs Guidelines for Students - HSC OP 67.03 Use of Social Media
TTUHSC School of Health Professions recognizes social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc., and personal Web sites, Weblogs, or blogs, can be effective tools for exchanging information. The School of Health Professions does not prohibit students from joining and participating in online communities as individuals. However, any online behavior violating the TTUHSC Institutional Student Handbook brought to the attention of school officials will be treated as any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The Use of Social Media policy discusses professional expectations as well as best practices while a student at TTUHSC.

Student Conduct-

Student Education Records- HSC OP 77.13

Textbook Information- HSC OP 77.02

Title IX-

Use of Social Media- HSC OP 67.03