School of Health Professions - Student Handbook 2019 - 2020

Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

MSMH Program

This section of the Student Handbook describes information specific to the MSMH program. Academic policies that are common to the School of Health Professions are provided at the following website address: 

Curriculum, Course Descriptions, and Academic Calendar

Refer to the following website to obtain updated information about the curriculum, course descriptions and academic calendar for the TTUHSC MSMH program: 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center forwards the mission of the University by providing a practitioner training program focused on the unique needs of diverse communities, especially in rural settings. We are committed to preparing entry-level mental health counselors to work competently and ethically through the mastery of evidence-based counseling practices. Our focus centers on understanding the unique needs of persons with mental health concerns across their lifespans in the community, workplace, personal relationships and activities.

Program Goals

The goals of the program are to prepare counselors with the counseling knowledge, attitudes, and skills to assist clients with mental health concerns to use their own resources and opportunities to meet their developmental, educational and interpersonal needs. To accomplish this goal, the program provides educational and practical experiences that allow students to meet the following knowledge and outcome expectations:
The objectives of our program are linked to our mission statement. They are to provide:

  • Educational experiences that facilitate the development of the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to practice as qualified mental health counselors with a diverse population in a wide variety of contexts.
  • Learning opportunities to support the ability to implement culturally responsive and ethically sound counseling practices throughout their careers, and to advocate for individuals with mental health concerns and the profession.
  • Clinical training experiences focused on translating acquired knowledge, attitudes and skills to evidence-based practice in a wide range of real-world opportunities.
The MSMH program strives to accomplish our mission, goals and objectives by:

  • Recruiting, educating and graduating a diverse population of students who are prepared to provide mental health counseling services in a variety of employment settings.
  • Providing a rigorous academic environment that provides a solid foundation to prepare entry level mental health counselors who meet national certification standards.
  • Working closely with the public and private counseling communities to ensure well-trained graduates who are considered valued employees.
  • Developing a faculty that is valued by our students and the counseling community for our teaching, research, and service.
  • Achieving the highest quality program possible within the constraints of available financial, human, technological, and time resources.
  • Developing commitment within students to empower individuals with mental health concerns to identify and maximize their resources to meet developmental, vocational, and educational goals.

Counseling Organizations
Students are encouraged to maximize their professional potential by joining one of the national counseling organizations. The American Counseling Association (ACA) is a premier organization representing the diverse industry of counseling and includes specialty-focused divisions and regional/state chapters.
More information on ACA can be found here:
Students can join ACA and participate in their home state’s counseling organization as a way to increase their exposure to other counseling professionals locally. Additionally, ACA has a division focused on mental health called American Mental Health Counselors Association and their website is:


Certification and Licensure
Upon completion of the MSMH program, graduates will possess the competencies and experiences necessary to pursue certification or licensure as a counselor.
These certifications are important, and at times essential, in furthering the graduate's career. As with most professional certifications, these credentials are not automatically acquired by completion of the academic program. Rather, the completion of scholastic work and attainment of the Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling makes the graduate eligible to apply for various certifications and licensure in many states.
National Certified Counselor (NCC): The NCC is the premier counseling certification and offered by the National Board for Certified Counselors. Board certification demonstrates to colleagues and the public that you have voluntarily met high national standards for the practice of counseling. NCCs may also hold specialty certifications such as the Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC).
Further information is available about the NCC by contacting:
National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), Inc. and Affiliates
3 Terrace Way
Greensboro, NC 27403
State Licensure- Graduates of the MSMH program will also be eligible for licensure in many states. Various examples of professional counseling licenses that graduates may qualify for are: Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), or Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC), depending upon the state. For more information about specific requirements and qualifications, please contact your respective state counselor licensure board.
The following website provides helpful resources and links: 

Academic and Clinical Behavior:


Department-Student Agreement

Department of Clinical Counseling and Mental Health,
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Students are expected to conduct their behavior in accordance with the following regulations:

  1. The use of unauthorized written or oral references during examinations(cheating) is prohibited. This applies to all forms of electronic communication (e-mail, instant messaging, texting, etc.) for web-based examinations.
  2. The inadequate citation of references or assistance on papers or class presentations (plagiarism) is prohibited.
  3. Habitual tardiness, unexcused absences and lack of participation in class activities is prohibited.
  4. Students will be have in accordance with the Code of Ethics set forth by the School of Health Professions and respective program/professional organizations.
  5. Students will comply with all rules and regulations of the clinical facilities to which they are assigned.     
I certify that I have received a copy of the Department of Clinical Counseling and Mental Health Student Handbook for my personal use and reference.

I assume responsibility to read, review and thoroughly understand the rules, regulations, code of ethics and honor code as outlined in this Student Handbook. I agree to abide by all rules, regulations and codes while I am a student in the Department of Clinical Counseling and Mental Health at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
Within one week after receipt of this handbook, I agree that I am responsible for writing an inquiry to the Program Director for clarification of any information in this handbook, including inquiry about consequences for my failure to comply. If I do NOT write an inquiry within one week after receipt, I am declaring that I fully understand my responsibilities and any consequences for my failure to meet those responsibilities.
By entering a web-based course, you are signifying that you have read and agree to all applicable guidelines, policies, regulations and rules set forth in the TTUHSC School of Health Professions, Department of Clinical Counseling and Mental Health Student Handbook and the TTUHSC Information Technology Policy.