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School of Medicine 2024 - 2025 Catalog

Research Electives

  • MIDS 8403 (Amarillo HSC, Covenant Branch HSC, Lubbock HSC, Odessa HSC) Clinical Research Elective

    At the beginning of the elective, each student will be assigned to a nurse coordinator and will be increasingly involved in working with that coordinator on the studies they are running. An opportunity will be given for the students to choose between various ongoing studies, but this must be done early since they must have passed the CITI training program and have IRB approval to participate in individual studies. Each student should be involved both with studies involving human subjects and those involving chart reviews. It would be anticipated that the students would receive authorship on any publication resulting from studies on which they are involved, provided that their participation is meaningful. Early in the elective, there will be an emphasis on didactic material beginning with discussions about the regulations and ethical considerations related to research in humans, the background for these and the role played by the IRB and an Office of Research Integrity. This will be followed by sessions on how to develop the proposal for a research project from conception of the idea through formulation of a hypothesis and specific aims, compiling the background, constructing the appropriate methods and analysis of results and, finally, a discussion of the potential significance. It will be expected that each student will develop a proposal/protocol during the elective with an ongoing active critique process.