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School of Medicine 2024 - 2025 Catalog

Integration Seminar

  • MSCI 7102 (Amarillo HSC, Covenant Branch HSC, Lubbock HSC, Odessa HSC) Integration Seminar-Student Grand Rounds

    The Integration Seminar is a Student Grand Rounds presented by MSIII students on each campus. The overarching objective of the seminar is to provide students with the opportunity to explore in depth a clinical case and to reapply the knowledge gained over the first two years of medical school to this case. The students work as a team to present a cogent, integrated and interactive seminar to their peers, students from other years and faculty while developing their presentation skills and their ability to interpret and evaluate data from multiple sources. The directors of the Integration Seminar choose the cases and the students are divided into six groups, each of which is assigned one case. The Integration Seminar occurs once per clerkship period. The Directors advise the students on interpretation and presentations skills and coordinate the seminar to ensure participation of the greatest number of students and faculty in the audience. Grading will be Pass/Fail as determined by the Campus Seminar Director.