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School of Medicine 2024 - 2025 Catalog

Distinction Programs


Distinction Programs are areas of focused study and experience with components occurring throughout the three phases of the curriculum. The School of Medicine has a number of distinction programs that students can participate in.


Distinction in Medical Research

The Distinction in Medical Research (DMR) program is designed to provide medical students a structured medical research experience. An experience in which the student not only plans, conducts, and presents a cutting-edge medical research project, but is instructed in research method development, research management, and other critical skills. This structured experience will empower the student to become actively engaged in research during medical school and to acquire an investigative mindset that will be utilized in their future medical career. Participation in this program includes two online courses, “Research Methods” and “Proposal Development and Research Management”, as well as lectures and scholarly activities comprising of a research project, abstracts and participating in a manuscript submission.

More information regarding this program can be found here:


Care of the Underserved Distinction Program

The Care of the Underserved Distinction Program was created to provide medical students the opportunity to work with vulnerable, underserved communities. These communities often have less access to equitable healthcare services. Creating connections and fostering trust within these communities is vital. This program will provide students an opportunity to broaden their experiences and help them gain a better understanding of the social determinants of heath that particularly impact underserved communities. Participating in this program includes attending program meetings, participating in student organizations that help underserved communities, community service, charitable events within the community and a final scholarly project.

More information regarding this program can be found here:


Distinction in Addiction Medicine Program

The Distinction in Addiction Medicine Program was created to help medical students gain a better knowledge of addiction medicine and feel competent to treat patients who suffer from addiction in order to give them the proper resources and the help they may need. Participation in this program includes the Addiction to Medicine Elective during Phase 1, completion of Aquifer/Wise MD modules, scheduled meetings and finally a presentation which can take the form of a research project, poster, abstract or portfolio of personal essays.


Distinction in Leadership in Medicine

The Distinction in Leadership in Medicine Program was created to foster personal and professional development in future physician leaders. Its purpose is to give students the opportunity to increase self-awareness and personal reflection abilities and to enhance interpersonal communication and team building skills. Participation in this program includes personal development and team building sessions in Phase 1, Peer coaching and professional development sessions in Phase 2 and a capstone project taking the form of a self-defined, comprehensive and meaningful representation of the personal and professional development journey as a physician leader in Phase 3.