4 Year Doctor of Medicine Program
Most students will follow a standard four-year program with Phase 1 focused on the acquisition of knowledge of the scientific basis of medicine allied to an introduction to clinical medicine and Phase 2 and 3 provided instruction and experiences in a variety of areas of clinical medicine

Blocks and Clerkships
| Credit Hours
| Weeks
Phase 1
Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology (Fall, M1)
| 10
| 10
General Principles (Fall, M1)
| 8
| 8
Organ Systems 1 (Spring, M1)
| 10
| 10
Organ Systems 2 (Spring, M1)
| 9
| 9
Patients, Physicians & Populations (Fall & Spring, M1)
| 4
| 3
Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Fall & Spring, M1)
| 3
| 0
Organ Systems 3 (Fall, M2)
| 7
| 7
Organ Systems 4 (Fall, M2)
| 12
| 13
Organ Systems 5 (Spring, M2)
| 8
| 8
Step 1 Enhancement (Spring, M2)
| 4
| 7
Patients, Physicians & Populations (Fall & Spring, M2)
| 3
| 2
Introduction to Clinical Medicine (Fall & Spring, M2)
| 3
| 0
Phase 2 (Required Clerkships)
Internal Medicine
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 8
Obstetrics & Gynecology
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 8
| 8
Family Medicine
| 8
| 8
Integration Seminar - Student Grand Rounds
| 0
| 0
Phase 3
Transition to Residency Interactive Asynchronous Learning Experience (TRIAL)
| 4
| 4
Ambulatory Care Rotation
| 2
| 2
Critical Care Rotation
| 2
| 2
| 4
| 4
Electives (5 minimum)
| 20
| 20
Total for MD
| 161 | 157