Hoggatt Krumwiede, K., Bogschutz, R., Tran, B., Farmer, D., Kaunas, C., & Young, V. (2025). The innovative use of technology to support interprofessional education (IPE) and training through the Texas Interprofessional Education Consortium. INTED2025 Proceedings, 2919–2923.
Kaunas, C.L., Bogschutz, R. J., Farmer, D., Hoggatt-Krumwiede, K. H., & Young, V. (2024). Advancing IPE Facilitator Development through Cross-Institutional Collaboration. Workshop. National Academies of Practice Annual Meeting & Forum. Jacksonville, FL.
Hoggatt-Krumwiede, K. H., Bogschutz, R. J., Farmer, D., Kaunas, C. L., & Young, V. (2024). Texas-Sized Innovation: The Texas IPE Consortium. Presentation. Kenneth I. Shine, M.D., Academy of Health Science Education Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Kaunas, C. L., Bogschutz, R. J., Farmer, D., Hoggatt-Krumwiede, K. H., & Young, V. (2022). Cross-Institutional Collaboration: An Emerging Model for IPE Facilitator Development. Seminar. Nexus Summit: Learning Together in the Nexus - A Focus on What Matters Most. Minneapolis, MN.
Farmer, D., Bogschutz, R. J., Hoggatt-Krumwiede, K., Young, V., & Kaunas, C.L. (2022). A Statewide Framework for Teamwork: The Texas IPE Consortium's TeamSTEPPS Master Trainer Initiative. Poster Presentation. Nexus Summit: Learning Together in the Nexus - A Focus on What Matters Most. Minneapolis, MN.
Krumwiede, K. H., Bogschutz, R. J., Young, V., Farmer, D., & Kaunas, C. L. (2021). Building a statewide consortium to advance interprofessional practice and education: Lessons from the Lone Star State. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 24, 100443.
Bogschutz, R.J., Hoggatt Krumweide, K., Joseph, R., & Young, V. (May, 2018). Conversations in IPE: Organizing IPE Across a State. [Webinar] In the Interprofessional Education Special Interest Group (IPE SIG) of the AAMC Southern Group on Educational Affairs Webinar Series.
Luk, J., Gill, A., Bogschutz, R. J., Mouton, C., & Smith, S. (April, 2018). Interprofessional Education in the Lone Star State: From the Gulf to the Panhandle. Traditional 90-minute moderated panel discussion at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs Regional Meeting in Jackson, MS.
Joseph, R., Brixey, J., Ronnau, J., Smith, S., & Utay, J., (October, 2017). Public-Private Sector Partnerships through Inter-Institutional Interprofessional Practice and Education: The Texas IPE Task Force. Traditional 60-minute podium presentation at the Collaborative Family and Healthcare Association Annual Conference in Houston, TX.
Bogschutz, R. J., Kaunas, C. L., Farmer, D., & Young, V. (August, 2017). A Community of Practice for Accelerating IPE Implementation: The Texas IPE Task Force. A 120-minute showcase presentation at the Nexus Summit in Minneapolis, MN.
Bogschutz, R. J., Farmer, D., Kaunas, C. L., Joseph, R., & Brixey, J. (February, 2017). A Model for Inter-Institutional Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE): The Texas IPE Task Force. A 60-minute moderated panel discussion at the 2017 Innovation in Health Science Education Annual Conference in Austin, TX.