Basic Life Support for Healthcare Professionals: An Interprofessional Skills Training and Simulation

TTUHSC Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Experience

Title of the Interprofessional Practice and Education Experience

Basic Life Support for Healthcare Professionals: An Interprofessional Skills Training and Simulation

Experience Status


Approval Date Range

1/24/2024 - 1/24/2025

Criteria for Registering the IPE Experience

  • Involvement of two or more professions.
  • Opportunities to learn about, from, and with one another.
  • Significant interactivity between participants.
  • Teaching and/or learning about interprofessional practice and education is intentionally integrated into the activity. Interprofessional practice and education constructs are targeted with IPE learning objectives are also discussed, trained, reviewed, and/or assessed as part of the learning activity.

Type of IPE Experience

  • Competency or Skills Training
  • Simulation learning

IPEC Core Competencies Targeted by this IPE Experience

  • Roles and Responsibilities: Use the knowledge of one’s own role and team members’ expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.
  • Teams and Teamwork: Apply values and principles of the science of teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.
  • Communication: Communicate in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.

Quintuple Aim Strategic Goals Discussed in this IPE Experience

  • Improving patient and/or population health outcomes

Detailed Description and Purpose of the IPE Experience

Interprofessional basic life support (BLS) training is of paramount importance for healthcare professionals, providing them with standardized skills that are essential in critical situations. This comprehensive training not only ensures that individual healthcare providers are adept at life-saving techniques but also emphasizes the significance of coordinated, team-based responses. Multi-rescuer BLS skills training further refines the ability of healthcare teams to work seamlessly together during emergencies. Following the knowledge test, the facilitated debrief session becomes a critical component, fostering open communication and reflection on teamwork dynamics. Discussions on roles, communication strategies, and collaborative problem-solving enhance the overall effectiveness of the team. In high-stakes situations, the cohesion of an interprofessional healthcare team can make the difference between successful resuscitation and adverse outcomes, making such training and debriefing sessions invaluable in promoting patient safety and well-coordinated care.

Following completion of the standard BLS for healthcare professionals, teams of learners will participate in the skills training to develop competency is multi-rescuer BLS. Following skills training, knowledge testing, and competency testing, learners will participate in an interprofessional debrief, which includes reflections on teamwork, communication, and roles/responsibilities.

Learning objectives for this IPE experience include:

1. Demonstrate Proficiency in Individual Basic Life Support Techniques: Participants will be able to showcase competence in individual basic life support skills, including chest compressions, rescue breathing, and defibrillator operation, through hands-on simulations and assessments.

2. Execute Multi-Rescuer Basic Life Support in a Team Setting: Learners will develop the ability to effectively collaborate within an interprofessional team during simulated emergencies, demonstrating proper communication, role allocation, and coordinated execution of multi-rescuer BLS techniques.

3. Participate in a Facilitated Debrief to Enhance Team Dynamics: Participants will engage in a facilitated debrief session post-training, focusing on teamwork, communication, and role effectiveness. They will learn to analyze and discuss team performance, identify areas for improvement, and implement constructive feedback to enhance overall team dynamics in future emergency scenarios.

Level of IPE Integration

  • 1. Foundations Level: Consists of introductory learning activities that provide learners with the opportunity to interact and learn from professionals and peers from disciplines beyond their own. The desired outcome for activities offered at this level is that learners will gain a deeper understanding of their profession while gaining an appreciation for the perspective and roles of other professions.

Attendance or Participation in the IPE Experience

  • Certificate credit
  • Voluntary basis
  • BSL for Healthcare Professionals Certification

Frequency of the IPE Experience

  • 02. Semesterly

Duration and/or Timeline of the IPE Experience

  • 02. 1 to 3 hours

Campus and/or Location of the IPE Experience

  • Abilene
  • Amarillo
  • Lubbock
  • Dallas
  • Midland
  • Odessa

Average Number of Learners Participating in the IPE Experience

  • 01. up to 50

Target Audiences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Audiences

  • Graduate Medical Sciences, MS

School of Health Professions Audiences

  • Addiction Counseling, MS
  • Athletic Training, MAT
  • Audiology, AuD
  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling, MS
  • Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling, MS
  • Healthcare Administration (Certificate)
  • Healthcare Administration, MS
  • Healthcare Management, BS
  • Medical Laboratory Science (Certificate)
  • Medical Laboratory Science (Second Degree), BS
  • Medical Laboratory Science, BS
  • Molecular Pathology, MS
  • Occupational Therapy (Post-Professional), OTD-P
  • Occupational Therapy, OTD
  • Physical Therapy, DPT
  • Physician Assistant Studies, MPAS
  • Rehabilitation Science, PhD
  • Rehabilitation Science, ScD
  • Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (Second Degree), BS
  • Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, BS
  • Speech-Language Pathology, MS

School of Medicine Audiences

  • MS 1
  • MS 2
  • MS 3
  • MS 4
  • Residents

School of Nursing Audiences

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Graduate MSN
  • Post-Master’s/Advanced Practice
  • RN to BSN
  • Second Degree BSN
  • Traditional BSN
  • Veteran BSN

School of Pharmacy Audiences

  • P1
  • P2
  • P3
  • P4
  • SOP Residents

School of Population and Public Health Audiences


IPE Learning Objectives for the Experience

Values and Ethics

Roles and Responsibilities

  • RR01. Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
  • RR02. Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes.
  • RR04. Differentiate each team member’s role, scope of practice, and responsibility in promoting health outcomes.


  • C01. Communicate one’s roles and responsibilities clearly.
  • C02. Use communication tools, techniques, and technologies to enhance team function, well-being, and health outcomes.
  • C03. Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology.
  • C04. Promote common understanding of shared goals.
  • C05. Practice active listening that encourages ideas and opinions of other team members.
  • C06. Use constructive feedback to connect, align, and accomplish team goals.

Teams and Teamwork

  • TT02. Appreciate team members’ diverse experiences, expertise, cultures, positions, power, and roles towards improving team function.
  • TT03. Practice team reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • TT04. Use shared leadership practices to support team effectiveness.
  • TT06. Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness.
  • TT07. Share team accountability for outcomes.
  • TT08. Facilitate team coordination to achieve safe, effective care and health outcomes.

Type of Learner Assessment Administered

  • Knowledge assessment
  • Skills and/or competency assessment
  • Self-reflection with facilitated debrief

Formal Assessment Protocol used, if Applicable

Type of Program Evaluation Administered

  • Activity feedback/evaluation – from faculty, facilitators, and/or preceptors

Provide Details on the Potential Sustainability of the IPE Experience

  • Dedicated personnel
  • Dedicated resources
  • Met an identified need or gap

Provide Dedicated Funding Sources:

  • Centralized university administration funding
  • Decentralized school or program funding
  • Fees (e.g., student or program fees)

Roles of Faculty/Staff in the IPE Experience:

  • Assessors of student learning
  • Facilitators
  • Instructors and/or preceptors

Additional Information About the IPE Experience, if Necessary

IPE Experience Organizer

  • Simulation Program
  • Office of Interprofessional Education

Contact Person(s) and Contact Information for the IPE Experience

Kyle Johnson PhD, RN, CHSE, ANEF
Executive Director | TTUHSC Simulation Program
Associate Professor | TTUHSC School of Nursing