AGAPE: An Interprofessional Student-Run Free Clinic

TTUHSC Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Experience

Title of the Interprofessional Practice and Education Experience

AGAPE: An Interprofessional Student-Run Free Clinic

Experience Status


Approval Date Range

4/25/2018 - 2/2/2025

Criteria for Registering the IPE Experience

  • Involvement of two or more professions.
  • Opportunities to learn about, from, and with one another.
  • Significant interactivity between participants.
  • Teaching and/or learning about interprofessional practice and education is intentionally integrated into the activity. Interprofessional practice and education constructs are targeted with IPE learning objectives are also discussed, trained, reviewed, and/or assessed as part of the learning activity.

Type of IPE Experience

  • Service learning and/or community engagement project
  • Experiential and/or clinical learning

IPEC Core Competencies Targeted by this IPE Experience

  • Communication: Communicate in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.
  • Teams and Teamwork: Apply values and principles of the science of teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.

Quintuple Aim Strategic Goals Discussed in this IPE Experience

  • Advancing health equity
  • Improving patient and/or population health outcomes
  • Reducing the cost of care

Detailed Description and Purpose of the IPE Experience

Agape Clinic Global Health is a student-run evening clinic at Agape Clinic in east Dallas. The Agape Clinic is a charity clinic that has been established for almost 40 years and has opened their facilities for TTUHSC School of Pharmacy and UT Southwestern students and faculty to use during specified afternoon and evening hours. Monthly, on weekday nights, the clinic serves both primary care and specialist needs, which include endocrinology, pediatrics, and ENT. Students have the opportunity to practice their patient care skills and bedside manner, as well as interact with patients, health profession students, and UTSW physicians and TTUHSC SOP preceptors. Students from different professions, including pharmacy, medicine, pre-med, nursing, and PA, collaborate to provide care for the underserved population. By working together, students can use their strengths from each of their professions to educate each other and enhance patient care outcomes. The AGAPE clinic serves to: 1. Provide high quality, free medical care to the underserved population of the east Dallas community regardless of ability to pay. 2. Provide an interprofessional learning environment for teams of students, thereby allowing them to develop clinical, organizational, and leadership skills. 3. Instill in students a lifelong commitment of service to the community and others in need. 4. Introduce students to the needs of the uninsured. IPE objectives for this experience include: - Interprofessional teams of students will interview patients together obtaining subjective and objective information - Teams will then discuss a potential assessment and plan together - Teams will then present the patient to the team of interprofessional preceptors, including pharmacist and physician assistant - The interprofessional team will develop a plan with the patient - Students will write a SOAP note of patient encounters in a electronic medical record TTUHSC pharmacy students wanting to receive IPE credit, will write a 1-2 page IPE reflection and/or provide a team-based discussion on IPE, how each role contributed to patient care, what each profession learned from another profession, and what other professions would be able to contribute.

Level of IPE Integration

  • 2. Immersion Level: Consists of development learning activities that provide learners with the opportunity to learn about, with, and from other professional learners in an active learning situation where they are applying learning during the activity. The desired outcome for activities offered at the immersion level is that learners will develop critical thinking skills as part of an interprofessional view that incorporates multiple perspectives and acknowledges and encourages diversity in providing quality health and human services.

Attendance or Participation in the IPE Experience

  • Certificate credit
  • CV credit
  • Voluntary basis
  • Program and/or school requirement - IPE

Frequency of the IPE Experience

  • 05. Bi-monthly
  • Once or twice a month - Tuesday or Wednesday night, 6–9 p.m.
    Student-run free clinic at AGAPE Global Health Clinic
    Location: 4104 Junius Street Dallas, Texas 75246

Duration and/or Timeline of the IPE Experience

  • 02. 1 to 3 hours
  • 3 hours

Campus and/or Location of the IPE Experience

  • Dallas

Average Number of Learners Participating in the IPE Experience

  • 01. up to 50
  • Each session, up to 2-3 TTUHSC pharmacy students (learners from other professions 6)

Target Audiences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Audiences

School of Health Professions Audiences

School of Medicine Audiences

School of Nursing Audiences

School of Pharmacy Audiences

  • P3
  • P4
  • P1
  • SOP Residents

School of Population and Public Health Audiences


UT Southwest medical students, Dallas area undergraduate pre-med students, PA, RN, LVN

IPE Learning Objectives for the Experience

Values and Ethics

  • VE08. Apply high standards of ethical conduct and quality in contributions to team-based care.
  • VE07. Practice trust, empathy, respect, and compassion with persons, caregivers, health professionals, and populations.
  • VE04. Value diversity, identities, cultures, and differences.
  • VE09. Maintain competence in one’s own profession in order to contribute to interprofessional care.
  • VE01. Promote the values and interests of persons and populations in health care delivery, One Health, and population health initiatives.
  • VE03. Uphold the dignity, privacy, identity, and autonomy of persons while maintaining confidentiality in the delivery of team-based care.
  • VE05. Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes.
  • VE06. Collaborate with honesty and integrity while striving for health equity and improvements in health outcomes.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • RR03. Incorporate complementary expertise to meet health needs including the determinants of health.
  • RR02. Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes.
  • RR05. Practice cultural humility in interprofessional teamwork.
  • RR01. Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.


  • C02. Use communication tools, techniques, and technologies to enhance team function, well-being, and health outcomes.
  • C04. Promote common understanding of shared goals.
  • C06. Use constructive feedback to connect, align, and accomplish team goals.
  • C05. Practice active listening that encourages ideas and opinions of other team members.
  • C03. Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology.
  • C07. Examine one’s position, power, role, unique experience, expertise, and culture towards improving communication and managing conflicts.

Teams and Teamwork

  • TT04. Use shared leadership practices to support team effectiveness.
  • TT01. Describe evidence-informed processes of team development and team practices.
  • TT03. Practice team reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • TT06. Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness.
  • TT07. Share team accountability for outcomes.

Type of Learner Assessment Administered

  • Self-reflection with facilitated debrief

Formal Assessment Protocol used, if Applicable

Pharmacy students wanting to receive IPE credit, will write a 1-2 page IPE self-reflection and/or provide a team-based discussion on IPE, how each role contributed to patient care, what each profession learned from another profession, and what other professions would be able to contribute.

Type of Program Evaluation Administered

  • Activity feedback/evaluation – from faculty, facilitators, and/or preceptors
  • Facilitated debrief with planning committee

Provide Details on the Potential Sustainability of the IPE Experience

  • Dedicated personnel
  • Dedicated resources
  • This clinic is well-established, student-run, and integrated with variety of professions. The clinic
    members have welcomed pharmacy students and preceptors.

Provide Dedicated Funding Sources:

  • Decentralized school or program funding
  • In-kind contributions

Roles of Faculty/Staff in the IPE Experience:

  • Facilitators
  • Instructors and/or preceptors
  • Mentors
  • Precept, facilitate debriefs and discussions, provide feedback on self-reflections

Additional Information About the IPE Experience, if Necessary

Students also will have the opportunity to perform an in-service, teaching the team about various topics (ex. risks vs. benefits of PPIs).

IPE Experience Organizer

  • School of Pharmacy

Contact Person(s) and Contact Information for the IPE Experience

Ashley Higbea, PharmD, BCPS