Pulmonary Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology: An Interprofessional Gross Anatomy Lab and Case Study

TTUHSC Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Experience

Title of the Interprofessional Practice and Education Experience

Pulmonary Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology: An Interprofessional Gross Anatomy Lab and Case Study

Experience Status


Approval Date Range

8/17/2023 - 7/18/2025

Criteria for Registering the IPE Experience

  • Involvement of two or more professions.
  • Opportunities to learn about, from, and with one another.
  • Significant interactivity between participants.
  • Teaching and/or learning about interprofessional practice and education is intentionally integrated into the activity. Interprofessional practice and education constructs are targeted with IPE learning objectives are also discussed, trained, reviewed, and/or assessed as part of the learning activity.

Type of IPE Experience

  • Case-based and/or problem-based learning
  • Workshop, interactive demo, or small group activity
  • Didactic learning

IPEC Core Competencies Targeted by this IPE Experience

  • Teams and Teamwork: Apply values and principles of the science of teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.
  • Communication: Communicate in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Use the knowledge of one’s own role and team members’ expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.
  • Values and Ethics: Work with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.

Quintuple Aim Strategic Goals Discussed in this IPE Experience

  • Enhancing the experience of care
  • Improving patient and/or population health outcomes

Detailed Description and Purpose of the IPE Experience

Healthcare provision and education have become increasingly collaborative and patient-centered, where interprofessional teams come together to learn together and to provide patients with the best-integrated health services. This is particularly important for patients with complex and/or chronic health conditions, which are best addressed by a collaborative team of healthcare professionals including physicians and pharmacists. Management of diseases and medications is improved when physicians and pharmacists work as a team to diagnose, prescribe, supply, and counsel on the use of medications. Additionally, healthcare students who purposefully learn and practice the foundations of interprofessional practice including roles/responsibilities, teams/teamwork, interprofessional communication, and values/ethics will be more prepared to intentionally and effectively work together to improve patient outcomes and the current healthcare system.

In this interprofessional gross anatomy lab and case-based learning activity, interprofessional small groups of 10 students from medicine and pharmacy will participate in an anatomy lab on the pulmonary structures, physiology, systems integration, and pathology, as well as complete an associated case study on a patient with COPD to reinforce anatomy concepts. Following the case study, small groups will be led through a team debrief with a faculty facilitator to discuss the lab and case, as well as reinforce IPE concepts. A panel discussion with physician/pharmacist dyads will also discuss current trends in collaborative care. The IPE aim of this activity is to foster collaborative teamwork within an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation. Students are encouraged and cued to approach each other without bias and learn about, from, and with each other. By working as an interprofessional collaborative team, students discuss roles and responsibilities within in collaborative care teams. Students will also discuss IPE core competencies during the formal team debrief.

Learning objectives for this activity include:

1. Review a pulmonary dissection through collaborative teamwork.
2. Work collaboratively on a team with other healthcare professionals to solve a case related to a chronic pulmonary disorder or disease process.
3. Define IPE and the four competencies of IPE.
4. Identify something newly learned from and about each other and their program/future profession.
5. Explain importance of interprofessional collaboration in patient safety.

Level of IPE Integration

  • 1. Foundations Level: Consists of introductory learning activities that provide learners with the opportunity to interact and learn from professionals and peers from disciplines beyond their own. The desired outcome for activities offered at this level is that learners will gain a deeper understanding of their profession while gaining an appreciation for the perspective and roles of other professions.

Attendance or Participation in the IPE Experience

  • Program and/or school requirement - School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy requirement for 1st year students

Frequency of the IPE Experience

  • 01. Annually
  • One event in the fall

Duration and/or Timeline of the IPE Experience

  • 03. 4 to 5 hours
  • 4 hours each for Morning and Afternoon session

Campus and/or Location of the IPE Experience

  • Lubbock

Average Number of Learners Participating in the IPE Experience

  • 06. 301 to 400
  • 360

Target Audiences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Audiences

School of Health Professions Audiences

School of Medicine Audiences

  • MS 1

School of Nursing Audiences

School of Pharmacy Audiences

  • P1

School of Population and Public Health Audiences


IPE Learning Objectives for the Experience

Values and Ethics

  • VE05. Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • RR01. Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
  • RR02. Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes.


  • C05. Practice active listening that encourages ideas and opinions of other team members.
  • C07. Examine one’s position, power, role, unique experience, expertise, and culture towards improving communication and managing conflicts.

Teams and Teamwork

  • TT03. Practice team reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • TT06. Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness.

Type of Learner Assessment Administered

  • Knowledge assessment
  • Self-reflection with facilitated debrief

Formal Assessment Protocol used, if Applicable

Type of Program Evaluation Administered

  • Activity feedback/evaluation – from faculty, facilitators, and/or preceptors

Provide Details on the Potential Sustainability of the IPE Experience

  • Dedicated personnel
  • Integrated into a course and/or experiential rotation requirements
  • Integrated into program curriculum
  • Met an identified need or gap

Provide Dedicated Funding Sources:

  • Decentralized school or program funding

Roles of Faculty/Staff in the IPE Experience:

  • Assessors of student learning
  • Facilitators
  • Instructors and/or preceptors
  • Leadership team members
  • Planning committee members
  • Planning Committee, Facilitators, and Instructors

Additional Information About the IPE Experience, if Necessary


IPE Experience Organizer

  • School of Medicine
  • School of Pharmacy

Contact Person(s) and Contact Information for the IPE Experience

Ashley M. Higbea, PharmD, BCPS
SOP Director of Interprofessional Education
Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice- Ambulatory Care Division
Texas Tech University Health Science Center
Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy - DFW Campus
Cell: 804-517-3684
Email: ashley.higbea@ttuhsc.edu