Toy Fair and Expo: An Interprofessional Community Engagement Program

TTUHSC Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Experience

Title of the Interprofessional Practice and Education Experience

Toy Fair and Expo: An Interprofessional Community Engagement Program

Experience Status


Approval Date Range

9/26/2016 - 2/1/2025

Criteria for Registering the IPE Experience

  • Involvement of two or more professions.
  • Opportunities to learn about, from, and with one another.
  • Significant interactivity between participants.
  • Teaching and/or learning about interprofessional practice and education is intentionally integrated into the activity. Interprofessional practice and education constructs are targeted with IPE learning objectives are also discussed, trained, reviewed, and/or assessed as part of the learning activity.

Type of IPE Experience

  • Experiential and/or clinical learning
  • Service learning and/or community engagement project
  • Workshop, interactive demo, or small group activity

IPEC Core Competencies Targeted by this IPE Experience

  • Communication: Communicate in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Use the knowledge of one’s own role and team members’ expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.
  • Teams and Teamwork: Apply values and principles of the science of teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.
  • Values and Ethics: Work with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.

Quintuple Aim Strategic Goals Discussed in this IPE Experience

  • Advancing health equity
  • Enhancing the experience of care
  • Improving patient and/or population health outcomes
  • Reducing the cost of care

Detailed Description and Purpose of the IPE Experience

Developmental delays and disabilities, due to an impairment in physical, learning/cognition, communication, or emotional/behavior areas, impacts a child’s day-to-day functioning, and often lasts throughout a person’s lifetime. Early childhood intervention (ECI) services help infants and toddlers with delays and disabilities to learn many key skills and catch up in their development. Lubbock Early Child Intervention (ECI) provides health care services that help babies and toddlers with developmental delays and disabilities. Early childhood intervention focuses on helping eligible babies and toddlers learn the basic and brand-new skills that typically develop during the first three years of life. One of the biggest challenges for a family with an infant/toddler, who has a developmental delay or disability, is selecting and safely using toys to foster growth and development. Toys are the vehicle for learning in infancy, especially for children with a developmental delay or disability.

The Office of Interprofessional Education (IPE) at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC) hosts the Interprofessional Toy Fair and Expo for children birth to age 3, who receive early intervention services for developmental delays and disabilities through Lubbock ECI. During this IPE Learning Activity, interprofessional teams of TTUHSC students from audiology, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, and other health professions will educate families on use of toys to increase physical, cognitive, communicative, social/emotional, and self-help development. Families will also be educated on child safety and prevention of toy-related injuries. Families will participate in educational toy demonstrations, receive educational materials about use of toys to foster development, and each child will receive a therapeutic toy appreciate to his or her developmental delay or disability.

IPE is targeted in the following ways:
1. Roles and Responsibilities: Teams of students work together to learn from, with, and about each other when planning the event, as well as developing educational materials for the families. Students will complete a pre-test assessment of IPE prior to the event.
2. Team and Teamwork: During the facilitated brief before the event, IPE concepts such as teamwork, interprofessional communication, and collaboration will be discussed.
3. Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice: Interprofessional teams of students will collaboratively educate families during the event.
4. Interprofessional Education: Following the event, students will participate in a facilitated debrief of the event and core IPE topics. Students will complete a post-test evaluation of IPE following the event.

Level of IPE Integration

  • 3. Entry-to-Practice Level: Consists of practice-ready learning activities where learners will integrate their interprofessional education and collaborative knowledge and skills in an authentic team-based environment. These activities will have learners actively engaged in team decision-making around patient, family, and/or community care. The desired outcome for activities offered at this level is the development of each IPEC Core Competency to enable a team-based approach.

Attendance or Participation in the IPE Experience

  • Course requirement - MOT 2nd Year Students
  • Certificate credit
  • Community service credit
  • CV credit
  • Experiential credit
  • Portfolio credit
  • Voluntary basis

Frequency of the IPE Experience

  • 01. Annually
  • This event will occurs in October of year AY.

Duration and/or Timeline of the IPE Experience

  • 03. 4 to 5 hours
  • The Toy Fair will take place for four hours on a Saturday morning. Prior to the fair, interprofessional student teams will spend no less than three hours collaborating and preparing for the event.

Campus and/or Location of the IPE Experience

  • Lubbock

Average Number of Learners Participating in the IPE Experience

  • 04. 151 to 200
  • Around 165 students will be participating on interprofessional teams, and an additional 30 as student volunteers during the event.

Target Audiences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Audiences

School of Health Professions Audiences

  • Physical Therapy, DPT
  • Speech-Language Pathology, MS
  • Audiology, AuD
  • Occupational Therapy, OTD

School of Medicine Audiences

  • MS 3
  • MS 2
  • MS 1

School of Nursing Audiences

  • Traditional BSN

School of Pharmacy Audiences

School of Population and Public Health Audiences


Other TTUHSC students are encouraged to volunteer for this event.

IPE Learning Objectives for the Experience

Values and Ethics

  • VE06. Collaborate with honesty and integrity while striving for health equity and improvements in health outcomes.
  • VE01. Promote the values and interests of persons and populations in health care delivery, One Health, and population health initiatives.
  • VE03. Uphold the dignity, privacy, identity, and autonomy of persons while maintaining confidentiality in the delivery of team-based care.
  • VE04. Value diversity, identities, cultures, and differences.
  • VE05. Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes.
  • VE07. Practice trust, empathy, respect, and compassion with persons, caregivers, health professionals, and populations.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • RR01. Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
  • RR02. Collaborate with others within and outside of the health system to improve health outcomes.
  • RR04. Differentiate each team member’s role, scope of practice, and responsibility in promoting health outcomes.
  • RR05. Practice cultural humility in interprofessional teamwork.


  • C03. Communicate clearly with authenticity and cultural humility, avoiding discipline-specific terminology.
  • C01. Communicate one’s roles and responsibilities clearly.
  • C04. Promote common understanding of shared goals.
  • C06. Use constructive feedback to connect, align, and accomplish team goals.

Teams and Teamwork

  • TT03. Practice team reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making.
  • TT04. Use shared leadership practices to support team effectiveness.
  • TT02. Appreciate team members’ diverse experiences, expertise, cultures, positions, power, and roles towards improving team function.
  • TT06. Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness.
  • TT07. Share team accountability for outcomes.

Type of Learner Assessment Administered

  • Self-reflection with facilitated debrief

Formal Assessment Protocol used, if Applicable

Type of Program Evaluation Administered

  • Activity feedback/evaluation – from faculty, facilitators, and/or preceptors
  • Activity feedback/evaluation – from learners

Provide Details on the Potential Sustainability of the IPE Experience

  • Dedicated personnel
  • Dedicated resources
  • Engaged community partners
  • The TTUHSC Office Interprofessional Education and Lubbock ECI will continue to support this IPE Learning Activity to benefit students and children with delays and/or disabilities. Funding for this event is provided by the TTUHSC Office of Interprofessional Education. It is expected that this event will continue with continued funding.

Provide Dedicated Funding Sources:

  • Centralized university administration funding
  • Endowments and gifts
  • In-kind contributions

Roles of Faculty/Staff in the IPE Experience:

  • Leadership team members
  • Mentors
  • Planning committee members
  • TTUHSC faculty from Masters of Occupational Therapy, School of Nursing, Speech Language Pathology, Audiology and Physical Therapy have coordinated and collaborated internally on this event. Additional partners at the TTUHSC Office of Interprofessional Education Office and Lubbock Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) have been instrumental in planning and guiding the event. On the day of the Toy Fair and Expo, representatives from the aforementioned faculty and staff will be present to oversee and offer feedback on student performance.

Additional Information About the IPE Experience, if Necessary

IPE Experience Organizer

  • Office of Interprofessional Education
  • School of Health Professions
  • School of Nursing
  • Lubbock Early Childhood Intervention

Contact Person(s) and Contact Information for the IPE Experience

Office of Interprofessional Education
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
3601 4th Street | STOP 6231 | Office 3B 150J | Lubbock, Texas 79430-6231
806.743.2028 | |