Dr. Ari Halldorsson Trauma and Critical Care Symposium: An Interprofessional Small Group Activity

TTUHSC Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Experience

Title of the Interprofessional Practice and Education Experience

Dr. Ari Halldorsson Trauma and Critical Care Symposium: An Interprofessional Small Group Activity

Experience Status


Approval Date Range

8/18/2023 - 7/19/2025

Criteria for Registering the IPE Experience

  • Involvement of two or more professions.
  • Opportunities to learn about, from, and with one another.
  • Significant interactivity between participants.
  • Teaching and/or learning about interprofessional practice and education is intentionally integrated into the activity. Interprofessional practice and education constructs are targeted with IPE learning objectives are also discussed, trained, reviewed, and/or assessed as part of the learning activity.

Type of IPE Experience

  • Workshop, interactive demo, or small group activity

IPEC Core Competencies Targeted by this IPE Experience

  • Communication: Communicate in a responsive, responsible, respectful, and compassionate manner with team members.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Use the knowledge of one’s own role and team members’ expertise to address individual and population health outcomes.
  • Teams and Teamwork: Apply values and principles of the science of teamwork to adapt one's own role in a variety of team settings.
  • Values and Ethics: Work with team members to maintain a climate of shared values, ethical conduct, and mutual respect.

Quintuple Aim Strategic Goals Discussed in this IPE Experience

  • Enhancing the experience of care
  • Improving patient and/or population health outcomes

Detailed Description and Purpose of the IPE Experience

This activity is designed to encourage collaborative, multi-disciplinary healthcare for trauma patients. The symposium will educate healthcare professionals on the need to implement change to provide the most current and effective care for trauma-related injuries to have the best patient outcomes. Learners will be able to use available resources effectively when treating trauma/critically ill patients.

Following a morning of trauma-related panel discussions, presentations, and poster sessions, learners will gather for a tabletop small group discussion over lunch. Interprofessional teams of learners will participate in facilitated discussions on teamwork, interprofessional communication tools, roles/responsibilities, and values/ethics of patient-centered trauma care. Learners will reflect on "aha" moments from the symposium and how they can grow their skills in evidence-based collaborative practice and team leadership in trauma care.

Symposium Learning Objectives:
1. Describe each trauma verification level.
2. Characterize the role of communication between healthcare providers along the continuum of care to improve patient outcomes.
3. Identify the unique aspects of caring for injured patients in rural areas.
4. Describe appropriate and timely consultation and/or referral in the trauma acute care surgery populations.
5. Describe and discuss the initial evaluation and treatment of inhalation injuries.
6. Discuss confounding variables/elements during goals of care discussions.
7. Develop conceptual strategies incorporating damage control principles to minimize morbidity and mortality after severe injury.
8. Identify potential trauma patients that are candidates for ECMO.
9. Identify, anticipate, and plan for children with a difficult airway.
10. Develop a safe and effective plan for the management of the pediatric airway.

IPE Learning Objectives:
1. Learners will actively engage in tabletop discussions and share insights into the importance of teamwork and interprofessional dynamics in achieving optimal patient outcomes for trauma-related injuries.
2. Through guided small group discussions, attendees will identify key values and ethics in trauma care, recognize patient-centered approaches, and formulate action plans to integrate these principles into their respective roles.
3. Learners will reflect on their "aha" moments and develop strategies for fostering evidence-based collaborative practice and leadership within their interprofessional trauma care teams.

Level of IPE Integration

  • 1. Foundations Level: Consists of introductory learning activities that provide learners with the opportunity to interact and learn from professionals and peers from disciplines beyond their own. The desired outcome for activities offered at this level is that learners will gain a deeper understanding of their profession while gaining an appreciation for the perspective and roles of other professions.

Attendance or Participation in the IPE Experience

  • CV credit
  • Voluntary basis

Frequency of the IPE Experience

  • 01. Annually

Duration and/or Timeline of the IPE Experience

  • 02. 1 to 3 hours

Campus and/or Location of the IPE Experience

  • Lubbock

Average Number of Learners Participating in the IPE Experience

  • 01. up to 50

Target Audiences

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Audiences

School of Health Professions Audiences

School of Medicine Audiences

  • MS 1
  • MS 2
  • MS 3
  • MS 4

School of Nursing Audiences

  • Traditional BSN
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Post-Master’s/Advanced Practice
  • Second Degree BSN
  • RN to BSN
  • Veteran BSN

School of Pharmacy Audiences

  • SOP Residents
  • P3
  • P4
  • P2
  • P1

School of Population and Public Health Audiences


IPE Learning Objectives for the Experience

Values and Ethics

  • VE05. Value the expertise of health professionals and its impacts on team functions and health outcomes.
  • VE09. Maintain competence in one’s own profession in order to contribute to interprofessional care.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • RR01. Include the full scope of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of team members to provide care that is person-centered, safe, cost-effective, timely, efficient, effective, and equitable.
  • RR04. Differentiate each team member’s role, scope of practice, and responsibility in promoting health outcomes.


  • C01. Communicate one’s roles and responsibilities clearly.
  • C07. Examine one’s position, power, role, unique experience, expertise, and culture towards improving communication and managing conflicts.

Teams and Teamwork

  • TT01. Describe evidence-informed processes of team development and team practices.
  • TT06. Reflect on self and team performance to inform and improve team effectiveness.
  • TT09. Operate from a shared framework that supports resiliency, well-being, safety, and efficacy.

Type of Learner Assessment Administered

  • Self-reflection with facilitated debrief

Formal Assessment Protocol used, if Applicable

Type of Program Evaluation Administered

  • Planning committee feedback/evaluation
  • Facilitated debrief with planning committee

Provide Details on the Potential Sustainability of the IPE Experience

  • Engaged community partners

Provide Dedicated Funding Sources:

  • No dedicated funding

Roles of Faculty/Staff in the IPE Experience:

  • Facilitators

Additional Information About the IPE Experience, if Necessary

IPE Experience Organizer

  • School of Medicine
  • Office of Interprofessional Education
  • TTUHSC Office of CME

Contact Person(s) and Contact Information for the IPE Experience

Erica D. Campuzano
Program Coordinator
Office of Continuing Medical Education
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
3601-4th Street, Stop 7113
Lubbock, Texas 79430