school of nursing 2024 - 2025 Catalog


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

(TTUHSC OP 77.14)

Students seeking accommodations on the basis of disability must register with the TTUHSC Student Affairs office at The ADA Compliance Officer for Students will notify the appropriate School of Nursing Department Chair of the student’s need for accommodations. Review the TTUHSC ADA policy located on the TTUHSC Student Affairs website at

Confidentiality/Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)

(TTUHSC OP 52.09 & SON OP 10.050)

The School of Nursing is dedicated to ensuring each student is current in issues related to nursing practice and research. One such regulation includes the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

  • Each student is required to provide proof of education in HIPAA training.
  • The training requirements vary by program; the student receives information regarding HIPAA training as part of new student orientation and is asked to sign a Confidentiality Agreement prior to the beginning of the initial semester of enrollment.
  • Proof of training is kept electronically and only accessible to the School of Nursing Student Affairs Office and the TTUHSC Privacy Officer.
  • Those who cannot show proof are not allowed to attend clinical.
  • Release of confidential information (including verbal communications, written communications or electronic communications with or about patients or involving patient health information to anyone who does not need the information for treatment, payment or health care operation) is a cause for dismissal from the School.
  • Certificates of compliance are not transferable from another institution because HIPAA certification is institution specific. Thus, all students must take the TTUHSC HIPAA training and provide evidence of compliance certification.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”) (20 U.S.C.A. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) affords certain rights to students concerning their educational records. FERPA grants students the right to inspect and review their educational records (with exceptions), to request their records be amended, to have limited control over the disclosure of information contained in their records, and to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The TTUHSC Institutional Student Handbook shall serve as the annual notification that must be provided to students under FERPA, 34 C.F.F. 99.7, unless individual TTUHSC schools annually notify their students of FERPA rights otherwise.

See TTUHSC OP 77.13 for additional information regarding student education records.

Tobacco Free Environment

In the interest of providing a healthy, tobacco-free environment, smoking, to include electronic cigarettes, is prohibited in all campus facilities, including academic, clinical, and administrative space. TTUHSC prohibits tobacco use or vaping in a TTUHSC facility or anywhere on the grounds of any TTUHSC facility, to include a leased facility/space. Violations will be treated seriously and violators will be subject to disciplinary action as prescribed by existing operating and Board of Regents policies. Refer to the TTUHSC OP 10.19 and TTUHSC Student Handbook, Part I, B Tobacco Free Environment.

State Privacy Policies (§559.003)

When TTUHSC “collects information about an individual by means of a form the individual completes and files with the governmental body in either a paper format or an electronic format”, the paper forms or the Internet site used in connection with the electronic form must state:

  • With few exceptions, the individual is entitled on request to be informed about the information the state governmental body collects about the individual;
  • The individual is entitled to receive and review the information;
  • The individual is entitled to have the state governmental body correct information about the individual that is incorrect. If TTUHSC collects information about a website user on its Internet site, including the identity and computer network location, TTUHSC must post what types of information collected about the website user on the Internet site. Finally, TTUHSC must establish a reasonable procedure to correct information about an individual.

Participation in Assessments - Student Feedback

The School of Nursing provides several opportunities for student feedback regarding the effectiveness of educational programs and services provided for students. Both formal and informal feedback is solicited. Satisfaction and feedback are solicited through student membership on School of Nursing Councils, focus groups, and completion of satisfaction assessment tools. Individuals or groups of students may provide unsolicited feedback to faculty and administrators at any time in person, via phone, and via email messages.

Completion of the following student satisfaction assessment tools ARE MANDATORY:

  • Orientation Satisfaction Assessment tool: Completed during the first semester of enrollment. Students access the assessment via an invitation sent to the TTUHSC email address.
  • Course Satisfaction Assessment tool: Completed for each course enrolled every semester. Students access the assessment link via the online learning platform and receive reminders via TTUHSC email.
  • Satisfaction at Graduation Assessment tool: Completed during the last semester of enrollment. Students access the assessment via an invitation sent to the TTUHSC email address

See SON OP 10.015 Mandatory Student Satisfaction Tool Completion Policy for more information.

Students have an additional opportunity to provide feedback six months after graduation by completing the Alumni Assessment. The School of Nursing contacts the student by either emailing the links to the student’s non-TTUHSC email address or via text message at the time of graduation. Students should notify the Registrar of changes to permanent address and the non-TTUHSC email information to ensure delivery.