school of health professions 2024 - 2025 Catalog

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center reserves the right, without notice in this catalog, to amend, add to, or otherwise alter any or all fees, rates, or other charges set forth herein by the action of the Board of Regents of Texas Tech University or the Texas State Legislature, as the case may be.

Texas residents will be charged tuition at a rate of $222.43 per semester credit hour. Non-resident and foreign students will be charged tuition at a rate of $642.43 per semester credit hour. Both resident and non-resident students enrolled in graduate programs will be charged an additional $50 per semester credit hour.

To be granted status as a resident of Texas for educational purposes, proper documentation must be on file in the TTUHSC Office of the Registrar. Each student will be required to complete a written residency oath upon applying. For detailed information regarding residency status, contact the TTUHSC, Office of the Registrar. Foreign students seeking entry into the School of Health Professions must be processed through the International Admissions Counselor at Texas Tech University.

Link to SHP Tuition Information:

Traditional Tuition & Fees Table*

Fall or Spring Semester

Full-time student enrolled in 15 hours
Resident Undergraduate
Resident Graduate
Non-Resident Undergraduate
Non-Resident Graduate
Student Services Fee$132.00
Placement Guarantee Fee (All 1st-year students, non-refundable)$125.00
Student Malpractice Insurance Fee ($61 for PA students)$14.50
Data Management Fee (PA)$142.00
Data Management Fee (AT) $110.00
Data Management Fee (PT)
Microscope Usage Fee (CLS Juniors & Seniors annually)
MLS (Traditional Program) Preceptorship Fee$100.00
MLS (Online) Preceptorship Fee$160.00
MLS (Traditional/Online) Clinical Simulation Fee$1000.00
MP Simulation Fee$750.00
MP Preceptorship Fee$200.00
PA SimLife Fee$350.00
SLHS Practicum Fee (Dept. of SLHS only)
Resource and Calibration Fee for Undergraduate Students (Dept. of SLHS only)$50.00
Calibration Fee for Graduate Students (Dept. of SLHS only) $25.00
Medical Services Fee$70.00
Screening & Immunization Fee (Fall & Spring)$42.50
Recreation Center Fee$75.00
Identification Card Fee$5.00
Informational Technology Fee$344.85
Student Athletic Fee$61.20
Record Processing Fee$15.00
Synergistic Center Fee (Student Union Fee)$5.00
International Education Fee$4.00
Academic Department Instructional Assessment Fee$400.00
Graduation Fee$100.00
Educational Technology Fee$120.00
Learning Resources Fee$266.55
Total Tuition & Fees for Semester (estimate)
Resident Undergraduate
Resident Graduate
Non-Resident Undergraduate
Non-Resident Graduate

Summer Session

Duration of 10 weeks or longer
Full-time student enrolled in 7 hours
Resident Undergraduate
Resident Graduate
Non-Resident Undergraduate
Non-Resident Graduate
SHP Anatomy Fee (AT, OT, PA & PT only)$1,200.00
PA Emergency Management Fee$500.00
SLHS Practicum Fee (Dept. of SLHS only)
Resource and Calibration Fee for Undergraduate Students (Dept. of SLHS only)
Calibration Fee for Graduate Students (Dept. of SLHS only)$25.00
Student Services Fee
Medical Services Fee
Recreation Center Fee
Identification Card Fee
Informational Technology Fee
Record Processing Fee
Synergistic Center Fee (Student Union Fee)$5.00
International Education Fee$4.00
Academic Department Instructional Assessment Fee $400.00
Educational Technology Fee$120.00
Learning Resources Fee$124.39
Total Tuition & Fees for Summer Semester (estimate)
Resident Undergraduate
Resident Graduate
Non-Resident Undergraduate
Non-Resident Graduate

Student Health Insurance costs can be found at the following website: Please note this can change from year to year.

*These fees may not represent all costs incurred to students. Many courses within each program have special instruction fees that will be applied to tuition as necessary. Students on regional campuses have appropriate fees waived.

Distance Learning Tuition & Fees

*Non-resident students, residing in the state of Texas, will be assessed tuition and fees at the rates provided in the section above. The Distance Learning rates provided below only apply to non-resident students physically residing outside of the State of Texas.

Medical Laboratory Science (Second Degree & Certificate)

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $489 per credit hour, which is $1,467 per three-hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester. A malpractice insurance flat fee of $14.50 will be assessed annually and a screening and immunization flat fee of $42.50 will be assessed semiannually. 

Students enrolled in the Clinical Laboratory Science (Second Degree and Post-Baccalaureate Certificate) programs will be responsible for proctoring expenses associated with midterm and final examinations.

Healthcare Administration

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $579 per credit hour, which is $1,737 per three-hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester.


Healthcare Management

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $323.50 per credit hour, which is $970.50 per three hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester.

Addiction Counseling
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $579 per credit hour, which is $1,737 per three-hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester. A malpractice insurance flat fee of $14.50 will be assessed annually and a screening and immunization flat fee of $42.50 will be assessed annually. 

Doctor of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $724 per credit hour, which is $2,172 per three-hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester. A malpractice insurance flat fee of $14.50 will be assessed annually and a screening and immunization flat fee of $42.50 will be assessed annually to students enrolled in the Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy program only. 

Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy

Out-of-state students enrolled in a distance learning program pay a fee of $724 per credit hour, which is $2,172 per three-hour course. A record processing flat fee of $15, learning resource fee of $17.77 per credit hour, Institutional information technology fee of $22.99 per credit hour, Student Services Fee of $26.40, and School of Health Professions educational technology flat fee of $165 will also be assessed each semester. A malpractice insurance flat fee of $14.50 will be assessed annually and a screening and immunization flat fee of $42.50 will be assessed annually.

Refund of Tuition & Fees

Refund Policies (Institution and Title IV Withdrawal/ Refund Policies)

Detailed information about the impact of decreasing course load on:

  • Institutional Refund Policy – All students who withdraw from TTUHSC or drop all courses during a term
  • Additional considerations for students who received financial aid and withdraw from TTUHSC or drop all courses during a term


Institutional Refund Policy

Refund Policies for Tuition and Fees. Texas Education Code, Section 54.006, provides the amount of tuition and fees to be refunded to students who drop courses or withdraw from the institution. Class day count is based on the official institution calendar for the school, not the specific course dates.

Students who drop a course, but remain enrolled at the institution will be refunded at the following rate:

TermClass Day% of Refund of Charges
More than 5 weeks
but less than 10 weeks in duration
1st class day through 4th class day
After the 4th day of class
Duration of 10 weeks or longer1st class day through 12th class day
After the 12th day of class

Students who withdraw from the institution (zero semester credit hours) are required to pay tuition and fees according to the following schedule based on their official withdrawal date:

TermClass Day% of Refund of Charges
More than 5 weeks
but less than 10 weeks in duration
Before the 1st class day
1st, 2nd, or 3rd class day
4th, 5th, or 6th class day                  
7th class day or later                             
Duration of 10 weeks or longerBefore the 1st class day
First 5 class days
Second 5 class days
Third 5 class days
Fourth 5 class days
21st class day or later

NOTE: Any refund due to a student will be after calculation of the amount of tuition and fees due at the time of withdrawal. If the student has paid less than the amount due at the time of withdrawal, the student will be required to pay the percentage due.

Students who withdraw from TTUHSC or drop all courses during a term that receive(d) financial aid

It’s important for students who receive financial aid and withdraw or drop all courses during the term to be aware of the refund policies and to understand the impact they will have on the aid released and the continued financial aid eligibility. Current refund policies for students who withdraw or drop all courses during a term are determined by the Higher Education Title IV refund regulations.

Federal Refund and Repayment calculations must be performed for students who receive Title IV (Pell, FSEOG, Perkins and/or Stafford Loans) funds and officially withdraw from all courses, drop out of all courses, are expelled, take an unapproved leave of absence, or fail to return from an approved leave of absence prior to the 60% date of the term. All “unearned aid” must be returned to the federal aid programs as determined by the Federal Refund and Repayment calculations.

  • The requirements for Title IV program funds are separate from the university refund policy. As such, you are responsible for unpaid institutional charges remaining after the refund calculation. You are also responsible for charges/balances created by the returning of Title IV program funds that the school was required to return.
  • If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). TTU users may call 1-800-730- 8913. Information is also available on Student Aid on the web at

In order to keep all the financial aid issued in each term, students must be enrolled for at least 60% of the term. After this point in the term, students have earned 100% of the Title IV funds released for the term. Therefore, it is in your best interest to maintain attendance and complete at least one class each term that you receive federal aid to avoid repayment of funds.

How the calculation works:

  1. Number of days attended ÷ Days in semester = % of semester completed
  2. Total $ disbursed X % completed = Earned $
  3. Total $ disbursed - Earned $ = $ to be returned

Once it is determined that you owe money back to any of the federal aid programs, you will be ineligible to receive further federal aid at TTUHSC or any other institution until this debt is cleared.

Textbooks & Supplies

The cost of books and supplies will vary with the different curricula. School of Health Professions students can expect to pay approximately $500-$750 per semester for books and supplies. Some professional students will also be required to purchase lab coats and accessories for coursework at TTUHSC.

Office of Student Financial Aid (806) 743-3025

It is the objective of the TTUHSC Office of Student Financial aid to provide financial assistance to students who, without such assistance, would not be able to pursue advanced education.  Financial aid at TTUHSC comes from many sources: grants, scholarships, and student loans.  Federal, state, and local programs are available to students who appropriately demonstrate financial need. 

General financial aid information, including steps for applying for financial aid, types of financial aid, student eligibility requirements, and disbursement dates, can be found on our website:

Student financial aid awards may be viewed and accepted through the student’s WebRaider Portal under “Manage My Finances – Student Financial Aid.”


The School of Health Professions has many scholarships available. These are administered through the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs. Scholarships are designed to reward, encourage and assist students in pursuing academic excellence and leadership. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement (e.g., grade point average and GRE scores), extracurricular activities (e.g., involvement, volunteer history, and employment), personal interview, written essay, and in some cases, financial need. Some scholarships may have additional, very specific qualifications (county of residence, etc.).

A non-resident student may be eligible to pay in-state tuition rates if the student receives an institutional competitive scholarship totaling at least $1,000 for the academic year and/or summer for which the student is enrolled. Most scholarships are considered “competitive” in nature. However, not all meet the requirements necessary to waive out-of-state tuition for non-resident recipients.